Sussex County 4-H Weekly Newsletter August 18-25, 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in and volunteered to make this year’s NJSF/SCF&HS a great success.

We would love for all our 4-H clubs to please write Thank You to Visions Federal Credit Union for their ongoing support of Sussex County 4-H at the New Jersey State Fair. In addition, it would amazing for individual 4-H members who received a 2023 fair premium check to take a moment to write a quick personal note of thanks to Visions for their continued support of 4-H and their projects.

Thank you’s can be mailed to
Visions Federal Credit Union
24 McKinley Avenue
Endicott, NY 13760

We hope all our 4-H members had a great fair and a chance to ‘Learn by Doing’ and ‘Make the Best Better’.

Congratulations to our Lois Chammings Best of the Best Awardees and Round Robin Showmanship Winners for 2023

Lois Chammings 4-H Best of the Best Award winners

From Left to right Lisa Chammings, 4-H Advisory Council President, Addison Garrigan for Crafts & Hobbies, Julia St. Clair for Clothing and Needlecraft, Brooke Wagner for Nature, Emma Van Haste for Foods & Nutrition, Landon Ordway for Art & Photography, Dave Foord, Senior Program Associate.

Sussex County Round Robin 2023 Winners

Senior Showperson: Joey Gigante (Back row 3rd from right)
Junior Showperson: Daniel Gigante (Back row 1st from right)

Host a High School Student with States’ 4-H!

States’ 4-H International is actively accepting applications to host international high school students from Japan and South Korea for the 2023-24 school year! Join our amazing community of year-long host families and bring the richness of the world to your home and community. 
 To learn more & apply, contact
Matthew Newman
(732) 431-7260

Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

For more information visit

Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Attention 4-H alumni, parents, volunteers and stakeholders…

Mark Your Calendars! Here are the NJ 4-H State Association meeting dates for 2024. We are still looking for additional volunteers to help make the best better and join the association! Visit to be added to the mailing list or contact to learn more about the State Association!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post. 

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