The RCE/4-H Office will be closed Monday September 2, in honor of Labor Day.

Coming Soon – 4-H Re-Enrollment with ZSuite
We are excited to announce that New Jersey 4-H will be transitioning to a new online enrollment program, ZSuite. It is a very user-friendly ad we are looking forward to this new change.

More information and instructions on how to enroll coming soon.
Existing 4-H Families and Volunteers, as well as, new members and Volunteers, who go to 4-H Online will receive a message that the system is closed.
Please note that during the transition you will continue to receive emails from 4-H Online (Regmax) until January 1.
Come join us for our 4-H Club Open House during Sussex County Day September 15 from 12-4 pm in the Shotwell Building at the Sussex County Fairgrounds.

This is a great opportunity for clubs to interact with the public and also recruit new members.
We are asking those clubs that plan to participate to have an free activity/demonstration for the public learn more about what Sussex County 4-H has to offer.
The Sussex County Chamber of Commerce that is hosting the event is requesting that all booth/tables be set and in place by 11:30 am.
Please use the following link to register your club to participate:
Congrats to the Sussex County 4-H Dairy Members Who Participated in the State 4-H Dairy Show
Held August 20 and 21, 2024 at the Sussex County Fairgrounds.
Champion Showman– Eric Vandermoere
Reserved Champion Showman– Dean Byma
Grades 10-13th
1st Place- Erica Vandermoere
5th Place- Richard Byma
Grades 7th-9th
1st place- Dean Byma
2nd place- Zach Vandermoere
4th place- Luke Byma
Grades 4th– 6th
3rd place- Walker Cramer
4th place- Emma VanHaste
Participating Cloverbuds were –
Lydia Bast, Rebekah Bast, Graham Decker, Blake Krohn, Lilah Lockburner, Tyler Sparta, Aven Swarts, Stella Voelker, Kroy Voelker
Color Breed Show
Junior Two Year Old
1st place- VDM-Dreams Champs Ruby exhibited by Eric Vandermoere
Senior Champion– VDM-Dreams Champs Ruby exhibited by
Eric Vandermoere
Reserved Champion– Senior Champion- VDM-Dreams Champs Ruby exhibited by
Eric Vandermoere
Brown Swiss
Summer Yearling Heifer Class
1st place- SVheaths Getaway June exhibited by Madeline Decker
Reserved Champion- SVheaths Getaway June exhibited by Madeline Decker
Reserved grand champion- SVheaths Getaway June exhibited by
Madeline Decker
Holstein Show
Spring Heifer Calf Class
1st place- Jer-pride Analys Joelene-red exhibited by Walker Cramer
2nd place- Swan-Bro Doc Lacey exhibited by Stella Voelker
Winter Heifer Calf Class
1st place- Mer Acres Doc Laney exhibited by Mason Mericle
4th place- Mer acres Hanas Blossom exhibited by Gavin Mercile
5th place- JLH HOL Analyst Dolly exhibited by Emma Vanhaste
9th place- By acres thunder strc Nora exhibited by Abram Bast
Fall Heifer Calf Class
1st place- Mer acres Doc CO2 exhibited by Gavin Mircle
2nd place- By Acres Master Inex exhibited by Dean Byma
Summer Yearling Heifer Class
2nd place- Mer acres cash out exhibited by Gavin Mericle
3rd place- VDM Dreams Rager Red Ellie exhibited by Zachary VanDeMoere
Winter Yearling Heifer Class
1st place- By Acres Luster Lindt exhibited by Luke Byma
2nd place- Vista- grande Luster Lux exhibited by Peter Bast
Fall Yearling Heifer Class
2nd place- By Acres Thunder Struck Alix exhibited by Dean Byma
Junior Champion- Jer-pride Analys Joelene-red exhibited by Walker Cramer
Reserved jr Champion- Mer Acres Doc Laney exhibited by Mason Mericle
Jr Bred by Exhibitor- Mason Mericle
Jr two year olds- By acres Mystcrush Twitter exhibited by Dean Byma
Senior two year olds
1st place- AMDckrtown Select Dahlia exhibited by Molly Swarts
2nd place Mer acres Moovin Dakota red exhibited by Mason Mericle
3rd place- By Acres Restart RDI Shot exhibited by Luke Byma
Intermediate Champion Female- AMDckrtown Select Dahlia exhibited by Molly Swarts
Reserved Intermediate Champion Female- Mer acres Moovin Dakota red exhibited by
Mason Mericle
Five year Olds– By acres California AR Can Jam exhibited by Richard Byma
Aged Cows Six years and older- By Acres 5G Coinage exhibited by Richard Byma
Senior Champion Female- By acres California AR Can Jam exhibited by Richard Byma
Reserved Senior Champion Female- By Acres 5G Coinage exhibited by Richard Byma
Grand Champion- AMDckrtown Select Dahlia exhibited by Molly Swarts
Reserved Grand Champion- Mer acres Moovin Dakota red exhibited by Mason Mericle
Senior Bred by Exhibitor- Mason Mircle
2024 NJ State 4-H Rabbit, Cavy, Small Animal, Herpetology, and Poultry Show
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Mercer County
1440 Parkside Ave., Ewing Township, NJ 08638

For show information and how to register go to:

2024 NJ State 4-H Avian Bowl
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Senior Center in Flemington
4 Gauntt Place, Flemington, NJ, 08822

Through a quiz bowl format, 4-H’ers will be stimulated to expand their knowledge of avian facts and become proficient in poultry management. This opportunity will also give youth a chance to meet new friends that have similar poultry interests.
For more information and how to register go to:
4-H Trunk or Treat At the Shoppes at Lafayette
Saturday October 26
Sussex County 4-H has been invited to participate in the The Shoppes At Lafayette Spooky Halloween Celebration. We will have our own blocked off section of parking lot to get creative and enjoy the spooky spirit of the season.
This will be open to participate as a club or just individual families.

To Register to Participate please us the following link:
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders
Registration is open for the New Jersey 4-H Volunteer Retreat Weekend – September 27-29, 2024

Register Today! The weekend will be full of fun, learning, and networking at this special event just for NJ 4-H Volunteers. It will be held at the LG Cook 4-H Camp in Branchville! The price is $45 per person for the full weekend and $25 per person for Saturday only. Friday evening will be optional with meet and greet activities and refreshments. Saturday will include workshops, camp activities, a recognition dinner and giveaways. Sunday will include a closing reflection ceremony.
Are you in?! Register here:

The first episode of 4-H Volunteer Ventures is available on Spotify and other platforms. The 4-H Volunteer Ventures Facebook page is also available.
The 4-H Volunteer Ventures Podcast examines the fun, but sometimes confusing role of the 4-H volunteer. Each episode will explore a specific aspect or challenge volunteers face ad offer best practices to improve the experience. Join hosts, Kelly and Laura, as they discuss current trends, share resources, and offer tips and tricks learned from their own volunteer experiences.
Spotify link:
Facebook page:
We want to hear from YOU! If you have any suggestions for volunteer-based topics you would like us to address, or something you would like to learn more about as a 4-H volunteer, let us know. We appreciate your input.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post.