Fair Time is Closer then it Appears!

4-H Volunteer Opportunities at NJSF/SCF&HS

Reminder for those displaying in the Shotwell Building, if you are not participating/volunteering at the fair (by displaying an animal, working with Teen Council, etc) you must volunteer in one of the ways listed below or forfeit this year’s premiums and possible opportunity for a full-week fair pass next year.


Act as an Ambassador for 4-H in the Shotwell Building. Be available to share information and answer questions about 4-H. In addition, share knowledge about the items and exhibits displayed. Help sell 4-H 50/50s* and help maintain the cleanliness of the building. Shifts are 2 hours.
*You must be 18 years of age or bring along an adult to help
Sign up online at:  4-H Ambassador/Information table sign up

4-H 50/50 SALES

Assist the Sussex County 4-H Advisory Council in the Sale of 50/50 tickets. Proceeds from the sale support 4-H programming, as well as, 4-H fair ribbons.
*Must be 18 years of age or older
Contact Tanya Patrie (patrie@njaes.rutgers.edu) or Dave Foord (foord@rce.rutgers.edu) for tickets.


Help with food prep, serving, and other activities related to managing the Food Booth for the Agricultural Division of the Fair. Profits from the food booth are used to support animal project activities at the fair. This is a great opportunity to meet 4-H members from other clubs, as well as, gain work experience.  Shifts are 10am-2pm, 2pm-6pm, 6pm-10pm daily.
*You must be 13 years of age or older to volunteer behind the counter (liability concerns)
Contact Nadine Olsen by email at olsenn@embarqmail.com to volunteer for a shift.


Help with supervising the fun activities of Farm Fun in Barn 6.
For more information or to sign up contact Donna Meisinger at (862) 268-0805.


 Dress up as the lovable, 4-H mascot Clover, the 4-H Rover. Walk around the Fair, greet, shake hands, and pose with fairgoers young and old. Requirements are that you can safely wear the costume and that someone must assist and accompany Clover while roving.
Due to health and safety concerns, we will have a disinfecting spray available for cleaning between appearances.

If interested please contact  Tanya Patrie (patrie@njaes.rutgers.edu) or Dave Foord (foord@njaes.rutgers.edu).

2024 National 4-H Congress
Applications are now being accepted

National 4-H Congress is a unique opportunity for 4-H members in grades 10-12 to come together with youth from all 50 states, that focuses on leadership, youth empowerment, community service, career development, and cultural diversity. The event brings over 1,000 4-H members over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend (November 29-December 3) in Atlanta, Georgia.

More information about the program and the application form is available on the New Jersey 4-H website at: http://nj4h.rutgers.edu/leadership/nat4hcongress/ soon.   

The deadline to submit applications to our Sussex 4-H office is Tuesday, July 16.
This is open to 4-H members in grades 10-13 as of September 2024.

Tables at the Farmer’s Market available to 4-H clubs for fundraising!

L.G. Cook 4-H Summer Camp Registration NOW Open.

Save the Dates

Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Spotify link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4hvolunteerventures
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558574791500

We want to hear from YOU! If you have any suggestions for volunteer-based topics you would like us to address, or something you would like to learn more about as a 4-H volunteer, let us know. We appreciate your input.

Are you in?! Register here: https://go.rutgers.edu/VolRetreat2024

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post. 

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