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4-H club marching in parade
Sussex County 4-H Clubs are invited to participate in this year’s traditional holiday event by marching in the Greater Newton Chamber of Commerce Holiday Parade. This event has been held for over 50 years with participants from all over the county. The parade begins promptly...
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2019 4-H Vlntr Awrd Wnnrs
4-H clubs look to establish a community among the club’s youth and adult members. The experiences that shape a child’s growth into adulthood come not just from the family, but from many sources within the community. These include school, places of worship and extracurricular programs...
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girl taking picture
The National Youth Summit on Photography Skills & Careers held annually in February/March is designed for both the experienced and casual photographer. The summit provides an opportunity for teens in grades 9-12 to gain knowledge while they explore emerging photography careers and related skills necessary...
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leadership washington focus_logo
Leadership Washington Focus is a leadership program conducted by National 4‑H Council for middle school age youth. The program is a 4-day event held in mid July. It is held at the National 4‑H Youth Conference Center in Chevy Chase, Maryland just outside Washington, D.C. The program...
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4-H members decorate wreaths
The Sussex County 4-H Foundation is again selling wreaths through local 4-H clubs. Each year the Sussex County 4-H Foundation sponsors a holiday wreath sale through local 4-H clubs. This sale benefits the Foundation and Sussex County 4-H clubs. There are two sizes and styles...
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