State 4-H Small Animal Educational Symposium

February 22, 2020
Clayton, NJ (Gloucester County)

Registration Deadline is February 10, 2020

The State 4-H Small Animal Educational Symposium hosted by the State 4-H Small Animal Project Advisory Council will provide an opportunity for 4-H members, leaders and parents to participate in a variety of educational events all in one day. Workshops and activities planned include an art show, rabbit hopping clinic, poultry health checks, anatomy, and breed identification workshops, rabbit disease management, breed identification, care, and standards of perfection workshops, writing for judges’ workshop, reptile workshop, small animal judging workshop, show ethics workshop, rabbit & cavy showmanship workshop; and a workshop on egg preparation and nutrition.

Information and registration will be available soon on the NJ 4-H website, symposium/

Small Animal Symposium Registration Packet

About the author

Dave is the 4-H Senior Program Coordinator for the Sussex County 4-H program.