The RCE/4-H Office will be closed Monday, February 13 in honor of Lincoln’s Birthday.
It will also be closed Monday, February 20 in honor of Presidents Day.
Please support the Sussex County 4-H Food Drive in cooperation with the Sussex County Library System to help fill local food pantries in the coming winter months.

Non-perishable food and Personal hygiene item donations may also be dropped off at the 4-H office.
We will also be collecting donations at each of our
4-H Public Presentation events.
Room Host NEEDED!
Community Service Hours Available for Middle/High School Members
The 4-H office is looking for help individuals, Middle and High School members, to volunteer to serve as Room Hosts for our 4-H Public Presentations in-person programs.
As the Room Host, your responsibilities will be to introduce those presenting and assist them with setting up their presentation. Community service hours will be granted to those who volunteer.
Please contact Tanya Patrie at for more information or to sign up. You may also use the following link to sign up to volunteer

Ted Blum 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road, Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Show Secretary: Sandy Bate
Email: or
Phone: (908) 963-9715 for Day of Show Questions
Judges: Mary Stamets – Rabbit
Jim Brown – Cavy
The Complet Show packet can be found at the following link:
4-H-Furry-Friends-Small-Animal-Show-Complete-Packet-Feb-19-2023.pdf (

The S.H.A.R.K. Program is back!

Are you a 9-11 grader interested in Marine Science?
Consider attending the 4-H Scientific Hands-On Applied Research Knowledge (S.H.A.R.K.) Program!!
Developed by our own NJ 4-H County Agent Matthew Newman, 4-H S.H.A.R.K. is a program where youth gain hands-on marine science experience while living aboard a real-life research vessel!
If you’re interested and have questions, feel free to email Matt at
Be a part of the NJ 4-H Legislative Leadership Experience

Attention 4-H Members in 9-12th grade
Plans are underway for the 2025 Citizenship Washington Focus conference scheduled for June 21-27, 2025.

Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is National 4-H Council’s premier leadership and civic engagement experience held each summer in the Washington, DC area. It is a week-long event (Thursday – Thursday) for 4-H members in grades 9-12 (14-19 years old). The program is based on the principle that democracy requires skills and strategies that must be learned and practiced and it teaches participants to be active, responsible citizens and leaders. The program utilizes Washington, DC as a working classroom to learn about the government, citizenship, and civic engagement and provides hands-on opportunities for our teens to promote “Better Citizens Today, Better Leaders Tomorrow.”
During the CWF program week, delegates will:
•Strengthen communication, leadership, and civic engagement skills on a national level
•Understand the importance of Youth Voice and the skills necessary to make a change in their community, such as civil discourse and media literacy
•Exchange ideas, practice respect and form friendships with other youth from diverse backgrounds
•Experience hands-on learning using the historical backdrop of our nation’s capital city, Washington, DC, as their classroom
•Create a plan and work with fellow delegates to develop the steps to carry out the plan upon their return home, to make a difference in their community.
The New Jersey delegates will travel by coach bus for the week and will experience all that Washington, DC has to offer. We will join approximately 250 4-H members representing a variety of states
Information can be found on the New Jersey 4-H website at the following link:
Event Scholarships may be available. Contact the 4-H Office for the application and more information.
The deadline to Apply is February 10
The Town of Newton along with the
Newton Fire department will be hosting the
Annual St. Patrick’s Parade
March 18, 2023

They invite you to register to be a Participant, including Sponsors, or volunteers. The parade steps off at 11 am on Spring St. in historic Newton, NJ! The parade will go on rain or shine. However, if there is a risk to public safety – the parade will be canceled.
The parade starts at Lower Spring St and continues down Moran Street and ends at Memory Park. Floats must enter from Woodside Ave onto Quantum Drive and must be in place by 9:30 am. Walking participants must arrive before 10:30 am. Fire Departments and First Aid Squads are to line up on Halsted Street starting at 9:30 am.
Please use the following link to access the parade registration application: Parade-application-2023.pdf (
The deadline to submit registrations to parade organizers is March 3, 2023
Horse Project Events Taking Place Soon
New Jersey State 4-H Spring Model Horse Show
April 8, 2023, 1-5 p.m. at the David C. Wood 4-H Center, 3210 Route 50, Mays Landing NJ 08330. Open to all 4-H members interested in model horses. For registration and information, contact Joe Morgan, and visit here:
New Jersey State 4-H Championship Horse Show
August 25-27, 2023 at the Gloucester County DREAM Park
4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival
New Jersey 4-H, in cooperation with the New Jersey Junior Breeder Symposium, is sponsoring the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival to include ALL 4-H animal project areas.
Youth may work individually or as a team to create short educational videos (3:30 minutes or less) about alpacas, cats, cattle (beef/dairy), dogs, goats, herpetology, horses, llamas, poultry, rabbits, sheep, small animals, and/or swine to enter in the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest. Youth must upload their video and media release(s) by the end of March 3 (see website for details). The videos will then be shared at the film festival in the Round House of the Rutgers Cook Campus Farm during an afternoon session of the Junior Animal Science Symposium on Saturday, March 29.
Youth of the top scoring videos will receive awards, including gift cards. Videos will be scored on educational value, creativity, clarity, pacing, and technical quality (sound, lighting, etc.) – 20 points each, total of 100. A tip sheet and a description of the judging criteria are both available on the website, along with the top scoring videos from prior years. Youth are encouraged to have fun and be creative in designing their video entries!
Details are available on our website at
2023 Rutgers NJ Junior Breeder Symposium

The Rutgers Junior Breeder Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2023, at the George H. Cook Campus of Rutgers University. This symposium is not just for breeders, but for any youth or adult who would like to come learn! Hands-on workshops in Equine, Large Ruminant (Cattle), Small Ruminant (Sheep & Goat), Swine, Poultry, Rabbit, Cavy (Guinea Pig), Small Animals, and Beekeeping! This event is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Junior Breeder program in cooperation with Rutgers Cooperative Extension faculty and staff

Registration link can be found here:
2023 Foods Day Registration (

Open to Youth 8th -13th grade.
If interested contact the 4-H Office for more information.
Sussex County 4-H Club News

Support Sussex County 4-H Bunnies N Buddies & Regal Rabbits 4-H Clubs

The Kicken Chickens 4H Club is doing a Fundraiser!
Hard time finding a card? Last minute shopper? Look no further! You can pick any of the boxes below!

All boxes have 30 cards and are $30! What a deal!
*Holiday Box has 50 cards for $30*Thanks and Blanks
All occasions Box 1
All occasions Box 2
Holiday Cards
Kids Birthday Box
Contact your local member or the 4-H Office
1st Annual 4-H Rhapsody in Color Music and Fine Arts Festival

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser
by Bunnies N Buddies and Regal Rabbits

Orders and payment can be Mail to
45 Dogwood Dr. Newton NJ 07860
Order Deadline is March 7, 2023.
For questions please contact
Sussex County 4-H
2023 Hersey Park Advanced Group Ticket Sales

Tickets can be used any day, all seasons until January 1st, 2024
Admission tickets @ $45.00 each ($41 savings)
Meal deals are also available.
Orders are due by March 21, 2023
Order and Payment should be mailed to
45 Dogwood Dr. Newton NJ 07860
Checks made payable to Bunnies-N-Buddies
If interested please complete the following form:
For questions, please contact
Plan Ahead

Warren County 4-H is so excited to have a clinic in our area to help youth learn more about their projects. There will be a focus on not just market lambs but also breeding sheep, slick shearing, fitting, and both meat and wool breeds. We will also have speakers on nutrition, and animal care.
This is open to youth beyond 4-H!
Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

Do you want to help eliminate hunger and poverty through the power of your pen? NJ Arts 4-H is introducing Poetry X Hunger. Join in the Poetry X Hunger project promoted by Expressive Arts 4-H of Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Write a poem that addresses hunger, poverty, and/or food insecurity and submit it to Poetry X Hunger. For more information click
. Submit your poem through this link here. Why not present your poem to your clubs and community groups? If you have any questions, contact Ellen Williams, Expressive Arts 4-H Agent at
For more information visit
Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine
Do you know an aspiring veterinarian? Adventures in Veterinary Medicine (AVM) is a fun and engaging career exploration program for middle and high school students who are interested in pursuing a veterinary career. We invite your 4-H youth to apply to AVM and discover if this exciting career is right for them! AVM attendees will explore the wide variety of opportunities available within veterinary medicine and see first-hand what attending veterinary school is really like. Sessions include lectures by Tufts faculty and vet students, interesting laboratories, demonstrations, and hands-on activities with animals. Applications for summer 2023 are now available! For more information on the program, including dates, eligibility, and tuition please visit the AVM website or contact us at
Adventure awaits in Australia Summer 2024 with EF tour

This trip is open to all members age 14 and up (at the time of travel) as well as adults (anyone over 20 is considered an adult).
Come learn about the itinerary, activities, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip at this meeting. Find meeting details below:
· Date: September 27th
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Zoom
Please register for the meeting here:

This is not a 4-H sponsored trip and is open for anyone to attend.
It is being coordinated by Kathy Kula, 4-H Teen Council Leader, and Jefferson H.S. Teacher.
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders
Sussex 4H Clubs are invited to Participate in the
1st Annual 4-H Rhapsody in Color Music and Fine Arts Festival

Rhapsody in Color 4H Music and Fine Arts Club is hosting its first Club Fundraiser at the Fairgrounds on Sunday, March 26, 2023, from 10 am to 4:30 pm. They are inviting 4-H Clubs to apply at a reduced rate of $30 per 8-foot table space prior to inviting public vendors. Space is limited and is on a first-come, first-served basis. A table rental fee (which includes 2 chairs per table) is an additional $5. They will open up applications to the public on January 20th.
Link to the application form:
Please let them know as soon as possible if you are interested in being a part of this special event.
Their club will have art for sale and will perform throughout the day. Simultaneously, there is another event being held in the Richard’s Building. There are collaborating with that event host as well to advertise the event, so we expect a great turnout!
Please reach out to them directly for questions and/or for more information: or 973-841-7189
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post.