Registration for the 2024 County-Level 4-H Public Presentations is now open!

County-level presentations have been scheduled for the first four Friday nights in March. Presentation nights will be held at local schools with presenters being divided among multiple classrooms. Check-in begins at 6:45 pm and presentations will begin promptly at 7:00 pm.

Presentations are being held on and at the following dates and places:
March 1 – Frankford Twp. School, 2 Pines Rd. Branchville (live animals allowed)
March 8 – Frankford Twp. School, 2 Pines Rd. Branchville (live animals allowed)
March 15 – High Point Regional High School, 299 Pidgeon Hill Rd, Sussex
March 22 – Kittatinny Regional High School, 77 Halsey Rd. Newton

We will again be using 4-H Online to register for presentations. Please use the following guide to help you: How to Register for Events in 4-H Online 2.0. The deadline to register is February 1. 

If you will be new to 4-H presentations, please download the NJ 4H ‘How to Make a 4-H Public Presentation’. In addition, there is also a YouTube video on how to give a public presentation. Both are great resources for those presenting for the first time, but also a great refresher for more seasoned presenters.   

For any questions or concerns please contact Tanya Patrie (

Come Join us at 4-H Teen Winter Camp (Glamp)
February 3-5, 2023 @ L. G. Cook 4-H Camp

Open to enrolled 4-H members in 8th grade on up.

Join 4-H members from Somerset, Warren, and Sussex County at the scenic LG Cook 4-H Camp. Enjoy meals, heated cabins, hiking, ice skating, sledding, games, crafts, and more – all while having an incredible time meeting new 4-H’ers and making lifelong friends.

The cost is $60 per Person.
Registration and Payment is due Thursday, January 12, 2023, to the 4-H Office

Space is limited. First come, first serve! Sign up early!

For more information contact Tanya (

Join the NJ 4-H team for the World Food Prize NJ Youth Institute. It’s a great opportunity for youth in grades 9-12 who are interested in exploring topics in food security! Register here:

Work with a team to learn about food security issues locally and around the world, work with a mentor to write a research paper about a country and topic of your choice and present your research at the World Food Prize NJ Youth Institute held on March 3rd at Rutgers University (New Brunswick campus).  

The team will meet virtually on Thursdays from 7-8pm.  Sessions are recorded so attendance at all 5 sessions isn’t necessary. However, attendance at the March 3rd event is mandatory. Learn more about the event at Rutgers here:

For more information, you can view our full flyer here: and you can register here:

Questions? Contact Abbie at

Join the New Jersey Delegation to IGNITE By 4-H

March 9-12, 2023 in Washington, D.C.
For youth ages 14-19.

Imagine. Immerse. Ignite. Join us in D.C. for a 4-day experience where high-school aged teens connect, make memories and find their spark by exploring the best 4-H has to offer in STEM, Agriscience, Healthy Living, Career Readiness and Emotional Well-being.

IGNITE delivers high-impact programming and speakers featuring national experts and leaders along with opportunities for career exploration, using your voice and building connections with teens from across the country.

Apply here:

Application closes 1/10/23.

Share Your Voice: Youth Dialogues on the National Climate Assessment

Register here: 

New Jersey 4-H members in grades 9-11 invited to participate the multi-level leadership program – NJ 4-H Leadership for Life Program.  

The next cohort for the NJ 4-H Leadership for Life Program will begin in January 2025 with Module 1, followed with Module 2 in February and Module 3 in March. The Leadership for Life Program is offered in three sequential modules, which focus on leadership skills such as planning, decision making, critical thinking, goal setting, problem solving and conducting a service-learning project.

Registration details can be found here:

Questions about the Leadership for Life Program can be directed to Camden County 4-H Agent Sharon Kinsey (

Winter 4-H Model Horse Show

Saturday, January 21, 2023. (Snow Date: Sunday, January 22, 2023.)

The Somerset County 4-H Center, 310 Milltown Road Bridgewater, NJ 08807
For youth in grades 4-13.
The registration deadline is January 13th.
For the application packet, email 

Return of the Annual Winter Fun Show!
Laughing Lagomorphs 4-H Club Invitational Rabbit, Cavy & Small Animal Show

Saturday, January 21, 2023
Ware Agricultural Building Woodstown, NJ.

Registration begins at 8 AM, with the show beginning at 10 AM.
Mailed entries Postmarked by January 13, 2023
Email entries must be received by 9 p.m. Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Download the full show catalog here: 

Ocean 4-H Animalology Trivia Game

When: January 28, 2023 

Where: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 708 Rt. 88, Point Pleasant, NJ

Registration starts at 8:30 am, teams set by 9:15 am

Animalology is a friendly Jeopardy!-style competition for youth in grades 4-13. Topics may include animals but also go beyond the animal world. Youth register as individuals and have a team of four drawn from a hat on the day of the competition. Awards will be given in Junior and Senior divisions to the top four teams and the top 10 individuals. The Ocean County 4-H Association will have delicious breakfast and lunch items for sale. Contact the Ocean 4-H office for more information, 732-349-1227 or

NJ 4-H STEM Teen Planning Committee

For youth in grades 8-13. You have probably heard the phrase, 4-H is more than cows and cooking.  We all know that 4-H caters to a lot of different interests, and this is a group for teens interested in 4-H projects and programs that focus on science and technology. This group is being formed to explore the idea of hosting a one-day NJ 4-H Technology Symposium in the late spring/early fall to bring together 4-H youth interested in technology on Rutgers–New Brunwick campus. We are currently seeking 4-H teens who would be interested in being on the planning committee. Fill out the interest form here for more information.

This virtual event invites you to get creative and create a short “cooking video”. Prepare your favorite food, a family traditional meal, or try something new. Videos must include the ingredients for the dish, steps to prepare it and the finished product. Creativity counts! Enter ASAP and submit your video by February 15. Trophies to top winners and recognition for all participants.
Register at
Questions? Contact Middlesex County 4-H

2023 Rutgers NJ Junior Breeder Symposium

The Rutgers Junior Breeder Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, March 25, 2023, at the George H. Cook Campus of Rutgers University. This symposium is not just for breeders, but for any youth or adult who would like to come learn!  Hands-on workshops in Equine, Large Ruminant (Cattle), Small Ruminant (Sheep & Goat), Swine, Poultry, Rabbit, Cavy (Guinea Pig), Small Animals, and Beekeeping! This event is sponsored by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture Junior Breeder program in cooperation with Rutgers Cooperative Extension faculty and staff 

4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival

New Jersey 4-H, in cooperation with the New Jersey Junior Breeder Symposium, is sponsoring the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival to include ALL 4-H animal project areas.

Youth may work individually or as a team to create short educational videos (3:30 minutes or less) about alpacas, cats, cattle (beef/dairy), dogs, goats, herpetology, horses, llamas, poultry, rabbits, sheep, small animals, and/or swine to enter in the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest.  Youth must upload their video and media release(s) by the end of March 3 (see website for details).  The videos will then be shared at the film festival in the Round House of the Rutgers Cook Campus Farm during an afternoon session of the Junior Animal Science Symposium on Saturday, March 29.  

Youth of the top scoring videos will receive awards, including gift cards.  Videos will be scored on educational value, creativity, clarity, pacing, and technical quality (sound, lighting, etc.) – 20 points each, total of 100.  A tip sheet and a description of the judging criteria are both available on the website, along with the top scoring videos from prior years. Youth are encouraged to have fun and be creative in designing their video entries!

Details are available on our website at

Gladys “Beth” Pool Memorial Scholarship available

Any high school senior who has participated in New Jersey 4-H or FFA, and is interested in pursuing a career in agriculture, is eligible for this $1000 Scholarship. Students interested must submit the completed application along with an essay on how agriculture “feeds your soul” and a letter of recommendation from a 4-H Leader or FFA Advisor. The application, essay, and letter are due by April 1st. The Scholarship winner will be selected and notified by April 30th. Applications can be emailed to 

4H Rabbit & Small Animal Project Members

Sussex County Rabbit & Small Animal Showmanship & Skillathon will be:

Saturday, May 6, 9 am-12 pm
Sunday, May 7, 4 pm – 7 pm

To be held at the Sussex County Fairgrounds.

More information, including a Signup Genius to register for the event, will be sent closer to the event.

Room Host NEEDED!
Community Service Hours Available for Middle/High School Members

The 4-H office is looking for help individuals, Middle and High School members, to volunteer to serve as Room Hosts for our 4-H Public Presentations in-person programs. 

As the Room Host, your responsibilities will be to introduce those presenting and assist them with setting up their presentation. Community service hours will be granted to those who volunteer.

Please contact Tanya Patrie at for more information or to sign up. You may also use the following link to sign up to volunteer

Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

For more information visit

Sussex County 4H Club News

Cabin Fever Craft & Vendor Event
Saturday, February 18th, 11 am-4 pm.
4H Shotwell Building

Come Support Sussex County 4-H Bunnies N Buddies & Regal Rabbits 4-H Clubs as we host our yearly event. 30 + Crafters and Businesses to check out and enjoy.
For more information contact

If you would like to have a Club Event, Fundraiser, or Recruitment mentioned in the weekly newsletter, please send info to Tanya ( The info must be received by Thursday noon, to make it in the next week’s newsletter.

Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine

Do you know an aspiring veterinarian? Adventures in Veterinary Medicine (AVM) is a fun and engaging career exploration program for middle and high school students who are interested in pursuing a veterinary career. We invite your 4-H youth to apply to AVM and discover if this exciting career is right for them! AVM attendees will explore the wide variety of opportunities available within veterinary medicine and see first-hand what attending veterinary school is really like. Sessions include lectures by Tufts faculty and vet students, interesting laboratories, demonstrations, and hands-on activities with animals. Applications for summer 2023 are now available! For more information on the program, including dates, eligibility, and tuition please visit the AVM website or contact us at 

Adventure awaits in Australia Summer 2024 with EF tour

This trip is open to all members age 14 and up (at the time of travel) as well as adults (anyone over 20 is considered an adult).

Come learn about the itinerary, activities, academic opportunities, and the cost of the trip at this meeting. Find meeting details below:

·        Date: September 27th
Time: 7:00pm
Location: Zoom

Please register for the meeting here:

This is not a 4-H sponsored trip and is open for anyone to attend.
It is being coordinated by Kathy Kula, 4-H Teen Council Leader, and Jefferson H.S. Teacher.

Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Gardening Education Series 2023

The Science Behind How Things Grow

This horticultural education program is available to home gardeners and covers a variety of topics related to understanding the science behind how things grow.  Online classroom instruction will run February 9th – May 25th, Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30 pm (2-hour lectures with question and answers session following). The program consists of 16 content expert lectures and 5 core prerecorded webinars, plus additional elective webinar content and class discussion sessions.

Lectures include the following topics: Botany, Soils, Entomology, IPM, Plant Pathology, Trees and Shrubs, Pruning, Turf, Weeds, Vegetable Production, Small Fruit, Tree Fruit, Composting, and Herbaceous Plants.

For More Information About the Program Contact
Lisa Chiariello -Program Coordinator

Register for the 2023 Rutgers Environmental Steward Class

Make a DIFFERENCE in your community…become a Rutgers Environmental Steward – Classes start in January!
Additional information is on their website-

4-H Public Presentations NEEDS Volunteers

Caring adults are needed to volunteer to help us evaluate those 4-H youth participating in our 4-H public presentations program.

Presentations are being held on and at the following dates and places:
March 7 – Frankford Twp. School, 2 Pines Rd. Branchville (live animals allowed)
March 14 – Frankford Twp. School, 2 Pines Rd. Branchville (live animals allowed)
March 21 – High Point Regional High School, 299 Pidgeon Hill Rd, Sussex

Please use the following link to sign up to serve as a presentation judge: , contact the 4-H office at (973) 948-3040, or email Tanya at

If you know someone who would like to serve or be a good fit to serve as a 4-H public presentation judge, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tanya at

For any questions please contact the 4-H Office.

Bee-ginner’s Beekeeping: The Basics of Apiculture

Online Class – Opens January 15, 2024 & Closes February 19, 2024 

Participants can complete the course content (which will take approximately 14-16 hours) at their own pace anytime during the period the course is open. There is an optional live Q & A session with the instructors during which you can ask questions about the course content.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, bee sure to contact Pam Mayer

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post. 

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