Rutgers Covid-19 Restrictions Update
Effective immediately, all in-person 4-H events, classes, programs, club meetings, camps, and other group activities organized by or under the auspices of RCE – 4-H Youth Development are suspended through January 31, 2022.
If your club would like to schedule a Zoom meeting please let us know.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the 4-H Office.

Registration for the 2024 County-Level 4-H Public Presentations is now open!
County-level presentations have been scheduled for the first four Friday nights in March. Presentation nights will be held at local schools with presenters being divided among multiple classrooms. Check-in begins at 6:45 pm and presentations will begin promptly at 7:00 pm.
Presentations are being held on and at the following dates and places:
March 1 – Frankford Twp. School, 2 Pines Rd. Branchville (live animals allowed)
March 8 – Frankford Twp. School, 2 Pines Rd. Branchville (live animals allowed)
March 15 – High Point Regional High School, 299 Pidgeon Hill Rd, Sussex
March 22 – Kittatinny Regional High School, 77 Halsey Rd. Newton
We will again be using 4-H Online to register for presentations. Please use the following guide to help you: How to Register for Events in 4-H Online 2.0. The deadline to register is February 1.
If you will be new to 4-H presentations, please download the NJ 4H ‘How to Make a 4-H Public Presentation’. In addition, there is also a YouTube video on how to give a public presentation. Both are great resources for those presenting for the first time, but also a great refresher for more seasoned presenters.
For any questions or concerns please contact Tanya Patrie (

Workshops and STEP Clubs are open to all, 4-H members and non-4-H members.
An Evening Abroad: Ireland!
June 22nd at 7 PM
The New Jersey 4-H “family” includes people from all over the globe. An Evening Abroad highlights members of our extended family to show off just how diverse the NJ 4-H program truly is! In this June 22 session, we’ll explore the Emerald Island known as Ireland from Warren County 4-H volunteer, Sinead Twohig. Register to receive a link for this hour-long, fun, and in-depth virtual exploration of Ireland. An Evening Abroad is fun for all 4-H members and their families and begins at 7 p.m.
NJ 4-H Virtual STEP Clubs
New Virtual STEP Clubs coming soon.
Workshops and STEP Clubs are open to all, 4-H members and non-4-H members.
Upcoming NJ 4-H Virtual Workshops

Tuesdays in January and February from 4:30 p.m.–5:30 p.m.
Virtual Winter Fun Programs information and registration
NJ 4-H Virtual STEP Clubs
NJ 4 H Global Food Security Coalition

New Jersey 4-H is recruiting a team to participate in the World Food Prize Research Project. Youth members will work with a team to develop individual research projects addressing global food security issues. Participants will meet once a week with mentors and peers to prepare their research project. Projects will be presented at the Rutgers University Youth Institute Summit on March 11. During this day-long program, students get to learn about critical global issues, network with local leaders, engage in hands-on-activities, and explore exciting ways to become effective change agents in their own communities, conscientious global citizens, and tomorrow’s scientific humanitarian leaders. We are hosting an info session on December 20. Sessions will run on Thursdays, 7–8 p.m. starting January 6 through February 1.
NJ 4 H Global Food Security Coalition Registration Link
Young Researchers: A Youth Club on Publication

Have you ever thought to publish your own writing? In partnership with John Wiley and Sons, youth are invited to learn about the process of publishing, careers in publishing and will work on a team to publish their own product!
Youth researchers will walk through the author’s journey to create content that will be published online by global publishing powerhouse, John Wiley and Sons. Friends, family, teachers, and the public will be able to view their published work live online. Youth will learn about academic research publishing and tips to spot out non-credible and credible research. Youth researchers will craft their own content with support and guidance from professionals that work across the publishing landscape. Youth will also have a chance to share some of their pre-written work to learn to improve their work for publication.
Young Researchers: A Youth Club on Publication Registration Link

At the National 4‑H Youth Summit on Agri-Science, high school students develop the skills and knowledge needed for the challenges facing agriculture, food security, and sustainability. Students will work with each other and experts in the agricultural community in this collaborative, hands-on educational setting.
Event: March 10-13, 2022
Application for NJ youth is here:

Individuals or teams of 4-Hers or 4-Her/parent teams can enter this event. To participate, you will choose a dish or meal you would like to prepare and create a video of yourself making the dish/meal (including the ingredients, preparation, and final product). Submit the video to by January 29th. Videos should be sent in the simplest format possible (for ease of downloading and sharing with judges).
Judging will be based on the choice of items, cooking technique, creativity, and presentation of your product. All entrants will receive ribbons for their participation and there will be trophies for top entries in each category (grade 4-8, grade 9-13, 4-Her team, 4-Her/adult team). All Cloverbud entries will receive participation ribbons. (Ribbons and trophies and comments from judges will be sent to entrants by mail).
To enter, please click here and complete the application by January 20th. For any questions, contact Laura in Middlesex County at
New Jersey 4-H Photo Corps

January’s theme….
January’s theme invites you to share your perspective. Show us how you see the world or use your subject to ask the question.
Please post your photo to the Photo Corps site by January 31.
You should receive comments from the juror mentors by the end of February.

All 4-H members are invited to participate in four monthly challenges related to the Four H’s! January’s challenge is the HANDS Challenge in honor of the MLK Day of Service. Complete a service project by the end of January, working alone or with friends. Record your results and get a certificate with the hours you volunteered! For info on ideas for service projects click here and to record your project visit this site.
For more Info: or
4-H Goat Extravaganza has been rescheduled for February 12.

See the state 4-H goat website,, for all of the information you need to register for the NJ 4-H Goat Extravaganza (poster/presentation contest, skill-a-thon, quiz bowl, art show, workshop for parents and volunteers, and social) on Saturday, February 12 at Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Mercer County in the Mercer County Office Park, 1440 Parkside Avenue, Ewing (NEW location this year).
Simple and quick online registration is due by Thursday, January 20.
2022 Species on the Edge Art and Essay Contest

Hosted by the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey
Empowers 5th-grade students to advocate for an endangered or threatened species from New Jersey through a well-researched, creative essay and original art piece.
Simple, Fun, and Free to Enter!
Open to all New Jersey fifth-grade students. One winner from each county will be selected. The contest kit (including rules, species list, & entry form) should be downloaded below.
Mail your artwork, essay, and entry form to:
Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey
2 Preservation Place
Princeton, NJ 08540
Email a scan/digital photo of your artwork, essay, and entry form to…
Contest winners who have submitted their artwork electronically will be required to mail their artwork to CWF for inclusion in our calendar and statewide exhibitions.

4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival
New Jersey 4-H, in cooperation with the New Jersey Junior Breeder Symposium, is sponsoring the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival to include ALL 4-H animal project areas.
Youth may work individually or as a team to create short educational videos (3:30 minutes or less) about alpacas, cats, cattle (beef/dairy), dogs, goats, herpetology, horses, llamas, poultry, rabbits, sheep, small animals, and swine to enter in the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest. Youth must upload their video, entry form, and media release by the end of the day March 7 (see informational flyer for details). A selection of videos will then be shared at the film festival in the Round House at the Rutgers Cook Campus Farm during an afternoon session of the Junior Breeder Symposium on Saturday, March 26. Youth of the top scoring videos will receive awards, including gift cards. Videos will be scored on educational value, creativity, clarity, pacing, and technical quality (sound, lighting, etc.) – 20 points each, total of 100. Youth are encouraged to have fun and be creative in designing their video entries!
Details are available on our website at The informational flyer, an entry form, and media release are all available on this website. The top four scoring videos from each of the past six years are also featured on the website,

2022 New Jersey State 4-H Model Horse Show
Saturday January 22, 2021
Somerset County 4-H Center
Bridgewater NJ

The New Jersey 4-H Model Horse Project is an educational program, entailing the collecting, photographing, and showing of model horses. This sincere hobby inspires 4-H’ers to pursue perfection, authenticity, and artistry. The “world of the model horse show” involves vast equine knowledge and skill to reproduce the realism needed to portray the image of a live horse. The world of model horses is both interesting and informative. 4-H horse lovers of all ages will enjoy participating in this project. It is especially accommodating for 4-H’ers who do not have horses or for 4-H’ers who, because of health reasons, cannot physically work around live horses.
For more information and registration info go to:
NJ State 4-H Model Horse Show: Horses : Rutgers New Jersey 4-H
The deadline for entries is January 15, 2022
Until Spring
Come Play Animalology
When: January 29, 2022
Registration Due: January 14, 2022
Where: Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 708 Rt. 88, Point Pleasant, NJ
Time: Registration starts at 8:30 am, teams set by 9:15 am

Animalology is an educational friendly competition offering youth in grades 4-13 the chance to gain new knowledge, meet new 4-H friends, and have fun at a team-based trivia event.
Animalology is a game created by Helen Ferraro (retired Ocean County 4-H Assistant). The name is a made-up word by Helen but don’t let it fool you. The topics could be about anything, not just animals. For 25 years, this game has been played annually by Ocean County 4-H members. For the 2019 game and thereafter, it was decided to open this fun event to all 4-H members in NJ!
Youth register as individuals and have a team of four drawn from a hat, on the day of the competition. After teams are established, they are given a study period to review informational boards created by their peers, in the topics of animal science and beyond; weather, history, shooting sports, 4-H Camp, etc.
Questions and accepted answers during the competition will ONLY come from these boards. Note: you do not have to enter a board to be able to compete. Awards will be given in Junior and Senior divisions to the top four teams and the top 10 individuals.

Full details can be found at:
Event updates will be sent to all contestants by Jan. 21, 2022
Contact information – Ocean County 4-H office – 732-349-1227
Plan for Summer 2022 now…
Registration for the Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp is OPEN!

Register today at:
For more information about this amazing camp, that registered 4-H members receive $25 off registration costs, go to Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp (New Jersey 4-H) (
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Rutgers NJAES Calendar All Statewide Events
Upcoming Classes:
Friday, May 13, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Asparagus Facts and Recipe Ideas
Friday, May 13-19, 2022 – CORE Training Program for the NJ Pesticide Applicators License (ONLINE)
Wednesday, May 18, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Build a Better Beverage
Friday, May 20, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Air Fryer Sweet Potato Fries
Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 4:30 pm – North Jersey Tree Fruit and Vegetable Twilight Meeting
Wednesday, May 25, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Benefits of Physical Activity for Seniors
Friday, May 27, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Strawberry Salsa
Monday, May 30, 2022 – ALL State and County offices closed
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 3:00 pm – Live Well & Stay Healthy Webinar: Ten Inflation-Fighting Hacks for Older Adults
Rutgers NJAES Calendar All Statewide Events
Upcoming Classes:
Friday, January 7-14, 2022 – CORE Training Program for the NJ Pesticide Applicators License (ONLINE) (fee)
January 10-12, 2022, 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 pm – 2022 North Jersey Ornamental Horticulture Online Symposium (fee)
Tuesday, January 11, 2022, 12-1:00 pm – RCE Homesteading Academy: Woodland Management for Private Landowners in New Jersey
Monday, January 17, 2022 – Martin Luther King Day – State and County Offices Closed
Sussex County 2022 Gardening Education Series
For more information contact Program Coordinator Lisa Chiariello

Home Gardeners School is Back!
Gardening for Everyone
February 26, 2022 | 8:00am – 1:00pm EST | Online | $80
Whether you are a Master Gardener or don’t yet know a trowel from a spade, the 2022 Home Gardeners School @Home has something for you!
Choose from 15 individual workshop sessions covering a wide array of horticulture topics and experience levels. Select the topics most relevant to your gardening interests on the day of the program.
New this year:
– A virtual “room” devoted to topics for beginning gardeners
– A “room” with workshops specifically designed for advanced growers
– Ample breaks between sessions
– An optional discussion session to connect with and learn from other gardeners
Click on Gardening for Everyone: Home Gardeners School @Home Online Event | Rutgers NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education for details!
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