Getting Presentation Ready?

Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March
- Be sure to include three main parts:
- Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about;
- Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and
- Summary—the what of it, summarize what you talked about and thank them for listening, cite any source.
- Presentation Time requirements:
- Cloverbud members 3-15 minutes. Regular members 5-15 minutes.
Team Presentations 10-15 minutes.
- Cloverbud members 3-15 minutes. Regular members 5-15 minutes.
- Be sure to dress neatly. No dirty jeans or sweatshirts preferred.
- If using a poster board- keep them simple. Use dark lettering and pictures large enough so that people in the back of the room can read and see them.
- Look at your audience and smile.
- Practice!
A complete guide to presentations is available for download; NJ 4H ‘How to Make a 4-H Public Presentation’. In addition, there is also a YouTube video with tips on how to give a public presentation. Both are great resources for those presenting for the first time, but also a great refresher for more seasoned presenters.
If you have any question please reach out to Tanya.
Room Host NEEDED!
Community Service Hours Available for Middle/High School Members
The 4-H office is looking for help individuals, Middle and High School members, to volunteer to serve as Room Hosts for our 4-H Public Presentations in-person programs.
As the Room Host, your responsibilities will be to introduce those presenting and assist them with setting up their presentation. Community service hours will be granted to those who volunteer.
Please contact Tanya Patrie at for more information or to sign up. You may also use the following link to sign up to volunteer
Attention 4-H Members in 9-12th grade
Plans are underway for the 2024 Citizenship Washington Focus conference scheduled for June 20-27, 2024.
The deadline to Apply is March 8.

Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) is National 4-H Council’s premier leadership and civic engagement experience held each summer in the Washington, DC area. It is a week-long event (Thursday – Thursday) for 4-H members in grades 9-12 (14-19 years old). The program is based on the principle that democracy requires skills and strategies that must be learned and practiced and it teaches participants to be active, responsible citizens and leaders. The program utilizes Washington, DC as a working classroom to learn about the government, citizenship, and civic engagement and provides hands-on opportunities for our teens to promote “Better Citizens Today, Better Leaders Tomorrow.”
During the CWF program week, delegates will:
•Strengthen communication, leadership, and civic engagement skills on a national level
•Understand the importance of Youth Voice and the skills necessary to make a change in their community, such as civil discourse and media literacy
•Exchange ideas, practice respect and form friendships with other youth from diverse backgrounds
•Experience hands-on learning using the historical backdrop of our nation’s capital city, Washington, DC, as their classroom
•Create a plan and work with fellow delegates to develop the steps to carry out the plan upon their return home, to make a difference in their community.
The New Jersey delegates will travel by coach bus for the week and will experience all that Washington, DC has to offer. We will join approximately 250 4-H members representing a variety of states
Information can be found on the New Jersey 4-H website at the following link:
Event Scholarships may be available. Contact the 4-H Office for more information.
The deadline to have the application turned in to the office is March 8.
Tickets will be available at the door

4-H Public Presentations NEEDS Volunteers
Caring adults are needed to volunteer to help us evaluate those 4-H youth participating in our 4-H public presentations program.

Help is still needed for:
March 22 – Kittatinny Regional High School, 77 Halsey Rd. Newton
Please use the following link to sign up to serve as a presentation judge:, contact the 4-H office at (973) 948-3040, or email Tanya at
If you know someone who would like to serve or be a good fit to serve as a 4-H public presentation judge, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Tanya at
For any questions please contact the 4-H Office.

Horse Registrations are DUE APRIL 1st. This deadline is FIRM and there are NO exceptions. If you are planning on showing your horse at qualifying shows, State Horse Show, or Fairs you must register your animal. You can find registration forms here:

Or see any STEM Club member or email
Open to youth in grades K-6th.

More information can be found on the Morris County 4-H website:
4-H Ag-Venture Day Takes on Spring Break!

For more information go to:
The Beth and Owen Pool Memorial Scholarship
Any high school senior who has participated in New Jersey 4-H or FFA, and is interested in pursuing a career in agriculture, is eligible for this $1000 Scholarship. Students interested must submit the completed application along with an essay on how agriculture “feeds your soul” and a letter of recommendation from a 4-H Leader or FFA Advisor.
The application, essay and letter are due by April 1st. The Scholarship winner will be selected and notified by April 30th.
This scholarship is being offered through New Jersey Farm Bureau Women’s Leadership Committee. Please email your application, letter of reference and essay to Melanie Richman at by April 1st.
Ag. Division of the NJ State Fair/Sussex County Farm & Horse Show Agricultural Scholarships

Agricultural Scholarships are presented each year to a Sussex County graduating high school senior or college student currently enrolled in an agricultural program, pursuing a two or four year degree, or graduate studies in one of the many fields of Agriculture.
The minimum award amounts are $400.00. The deadline for filing is April 15th.
More information and applications can be found at:

Registration is available at If you have questions contact Denise at 732-349-1227 or
L.G. Cook 4-H Summer Camp Registration NOW Open.

It’s that time of year! Registration for 4-H Camp opens November 15th for both our classic overnight program, and our day camp, 4-H camp at Rutgers Gardens.
Register before December 31st during our Polar Bear registration period to get our lowest rate, and the first pick of classes for summer 2025.
More information can be found on our website at
Also check out our new overview video on or website at
Registration opens for both:
Still need more details Call 973-948-3550 to reach the Camp Office with any and all questions.

This outdoor festival event offers fun activities for the whole family, taking place across every campus of Rutgers New Brunswick on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
Plan your Rutgers Day activities here:
On Rutgers Day, April 27th, 2024, Saturday, between 10 and 4PM, on the College Avenue Campus, Voorhees Mall, Rutgers, New Brunswick, 4-Hers from throughout the state are invited to offer presentations, performances and artistic exhibits as part of our Expressive Arts 4-H “Imagination in Action” station. This is the 14th year that Expressive Arts 4-H has celebrated our 4-Hers’ creativity at the annual Rutgers Day celebration. Deadline for submitting registration forms is April 15.
For Imagination in Action, 4-Hers, Cloverbud and Standard, are invited to share their talents in visual, performing and media arts (e.g., music, dance, magic, clowning, drawing, painting, photography, drama, writing, filmmaking, puppetry, etc.). This is a non-competitive event. Individual and group entries are welcome. All 4-Hers will receive participation ribbons and certificates. Those who wish to can perform before the Rutgers audience. 4-Hers who are performing can sign up for any or all part of the day which extends from 10AM-4PM. Ellen Williams-Chairperson schedule 4-Hers for the times they request and will be in contact with them directly regarding schedule confirmation.
If you have any questions, you can contact Ellen Williams, Expressive Arts NJ 4-H Agent, at (848)932-9214 or at

Don’t miss the 67th annual South Jersey 4-H Teen Conference on Sat, May 4 from 10 am – 7 pm at the Winter Run Activity Center in Farmingdale, NJ.
Teens from across NJ will enjoy activities that support this year’s theme of “Blooming Leaders – Planting Seeds for the Future.” Activities will include yoga, guided painting, a boat ride, nature scavenger hunt and photography, plus plenty of opportunities to meet new friends.
The conference is open to 7th graders and older and to both 4-H members and their non-4-H friends. The registration cost is $50 per person and is available through
4-H Record Book Reminders
Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H Project year. Some areas you should have completed or be a work in progress are:

- Cover
- Goal Setting
- Logging monthly activities
- Finances
Your Goals should be:

Specific – a specific goal is well defined, with a clear outcome in mind. It should answer the questions of what you want to achieve, who is involved, and where it will happen.
Measurable – a measurable goal has clear criteria for success and a timeline for achieving it. This allows you to track your progress along the way.
Attainable – An attainable goal is one that is possible to achieve with your overall vision and long-term objectives.
Relevant – A relevant goal is aligned with your overall vision and long-term objectives.
Time-based – A time-based goal has a clear timeline for completion, with a start and end date. This helps provide motivation and sense of urgency to achieve the goal.
New members should aim for 1 or 2 goals their first year. Returning members should increase the number and complexity of their goals as their years in 4-H grow.
Don’t forget to have your parent or guardian and your 4-H club leader sign off on your goals!
Tables at the Farmer’s Market available to 4-H clubs for fundraising!

Sussex County Farmer’s Market Committee, part of the Sussex County Board of Agriculture would like to invite 4-H groups to have a free table at the Sussex County Farmer’s for fundraising or to showcase their projects, small animals etc.
All sales proceeds must go to the 4-H group itself. The SC Farmers Market is open the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the months of June, July, September, October and due to the Fair only the fourth Saturday of August.
This is a great public speaking opportunity for the kids, and an all round fun day.
If your 4-H group wants to recruit members, sell items, have a bake sale etc., please contact:
Lori Day
Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

Do you want to help eliminate hunger and poverty through the power of your pen? NJ Arts 4-H is introducing Poetry X Hunger. Join in the Poetry X Hunger project promoted by Expressive Arts 4-H of Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Write a poem that addresses hunger, poverty, and/or food insecurity and submit it to Poetry X Hunger. For more information click
. Submit your poem through this link here. Why not present your poem to your clubs and community groups? If you have any questions, contact Ellen Williams, Expressive Arts 4-H Agent at
For more information visit
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders
Attention Volunteers!! 

Join the discussion on best practices in ensuring safety and belonging for all members. This virtual workshop will explore the 4-H Healthy Living Mental Wellness program, with a snapshot of our current youth needs, programmatic offerings, resources, and strategies to support mental wellness in any program!

Open to ALL volunteers! Register at

The first episode of 4-H Volunteer Ventures is available on Spotify and other platforms. The 4-H Volunteer Ventures Facebook page is also available.
The 4-H Volunteer Ventures Podcast examines the fun, but sometimes confusing role of the 4-H volunteer. Each episode will explore a specific aspect or challenge volunteers face ad offer best practices to improve the experience. Join hosts, Kelly and Laura, as they discuss current trends, share resources, and offer tips and tricks learned from their own volunteer experiences.
Spotify link:
Facebook page:
We want to hear from YOU! If you have any suggestions for volunteer-based topics you would like us to address, or something you would like to learn more about as a 4-H volunteer, let us know. We appreciate your input.
Attention 4-H alumni, parents, volunteers and stakeholders…

Mark Your Calendars! Here are the NJ 4-H State Association meeting dates for 2024. We are still looking for additional volunteers to help make the best better and join the association! Visit to be added to the mailing list or contact to learn more about the State Association!
Bee-ginner’s Beekeeping: The Basics of Apiculture 🍀
Online Class – Opens April 1st & Closes April 30th, 2024
Participants can complete the course content (which will take approximately 14 hours) at their own pace anytime during the period the course is open. There is an optional live Q & A session with the instructors during which you can ask questions about the course content.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, bee 🐝 sure to contact Pamela Mayer.
Discounts are available! For more information, BEE sure to contact Pamela Mayer at 🍀
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post.