4-H Record Book Reminders

Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H Project year. Some areas you should have completed or be a work in progress are:

  • Cover
  • Goal Setting
  • Logging monthly activities
  • Finances

Your Goals should be:

Specific – a specific goal is well defined, with a clear outcome in mind. It should answer the questions of what you want to achieve, who is involved, and where it will happen.
Measurable – a measurable goal has clear criteria for success and a timeline for achieving it. This allows you to track your progress along the way.
Attainable – An attainable goal is one that is possible to achieve with your overall vision and long-term objectives.
Relevant – A relevant goal is aligned with your overall vision and long-term objectives.
Time-based – A time-based goal has a clear timeline for completion, with a start and end date. This helps provide motivation and sense of urgency to achieve the goal.

New members should aim for 1 or 2 goals their first year. Returning members should increase the number and complexity of their goals as their years in 4-H grow.

Don’t forget to have your parent or guardian and your 4-H club leader sign off on your goals!

Gracie’s Scholarship

Seldom in one’s life does one meet a truly dynamic personality. We all had the privilege of meeting such a spirited soul. That person was Grace Honigsberg She was not just involved in Agriculture, Agriculture was her way of life, and her life’s passion.

She was Miss Frankford Township in 2013 and a graduate of High Point High School. She was very active in Sussex County 4-H as a member in her youth and as a leader of several livestock clubs as an adult. She was a member of several livestock associations and won top national awards for her livestock. She was the 2013 Sussex County Youth Agricultural Ambassador. She was a member of the Sussex County Board of Agriculture receiving the Next Generation of Agriculture Award in 2015. She was a member of the NJ Farm Bureau and served as past president of the NJ Young Farmer’s and Ag Professionals. Her passion for agriculture led her to travel nationally, representing the state of NJ at several American Farm Bureau events, with a focus on accurate agriculture education.

It is in Gracie’s honor that the Sussex County Board of Agriculture announces the formation of a new yearly Agricultural Scholarship of $500 a year to any student focusing her/his education in the field of Agriculture, including farm machinery mechanics.

In forming this Scholarship we know that Gracie’s enthusiasm, joyous spirit and love of all things agricultural will continue in Sussex County and beyond. If you are interested in continuing your Agriculture education this scholarship is open for you, college or technical school, student or adult.

The application can be found here: https://www.sussex4h.org/sc-boa-gracies-scholarship.
Deadline to submit the application is May 15, 2024.

Tables at the Farmer’s Market available to 4-H clubs for fundraising!

Save The Date

Rabbit Rocketeers 4-H Club Fun in the Sun Show

Building a Better You! 

This workshop will be held on Tuesday, May 21st from 6:30-8 pm at the Somerset County 4-H Center, in the large conference room. This workshop is open to all grades 8-13, you do not have to be a 4-H member to attend. Registration closes May 20th.

Building a Better You! is a workshop that provides youth participants with the opportunity to explore resume building, cover letter writing, how to dress to impress, and interview practice all while creating a positive YOU statement! There is so much to explore in this workshop so register to learn more!

Register here: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6mb5u3hypcylWOG
Questions? Contact Melissa Bright mb2173@njaes.rutgers.edu

L.G. Cook 4-H Summer Camp Registration NOW Open.

Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

For more information visit https://nj4h.rutgers.edu/comm/poetryxhunger/

Save the Dates

Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Are you in?! Register here: https://go.rutgers.edu/VolRetreat2024

Spotify link: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/4hvolunteerventures
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61558574791500

We want to hear from YOU! If you have any suggestions for volunteer-based topics you would like us to address, or something you would like to learn more about as a 4-H volunteer, let us know. We appreciate your input.

Attention 4-H alumni, parents, volunteers and stakeholders…

Mark Your Calendars! Here are the NJ 4-H State Association meeting dates for 2024. We are still looking for additional volunteers to help make the best better and join the association! Visit https://go.rutgers.edu/HelpNJ4H to be added to the mailing list or contact nj4h@njaes.rutgers.edu to learn more about the State Association!

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post. 

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