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4-H Pride is Statewide
2020 NJ 4-H Virtual Fair
Understandably, the cancellation of county fairs due to the current pandemic has left many of us with a sense of loss. While we are living in uncertain times, our commitment to support our 4-Hers and celebrate their achievements remains strong. In the absence of traditional in-person county fairs, we are excited to officially launch the 2020 New Jersey 4-H Virtual Fair.
As is tradition, the virtual fair has a theme that reflects the strength of our 4-H community when faced with adversity. The 2020 NJ 4-H Virtual Fair theme is ‘4-H Pride is Statewide’ and we hope you will show your 4-H spirit by participating in this special opportunity.
By its own limitations, the NJ 4-H Virtual Fair cannot replicate the in-person county fair experience. We can, however, bring the 4-H spirit to the virtual world by sharing our knowledge, skills, and sense of fun with one other. We encourage you to consider participating in this unique experience.
Everything you need to know about the virtual fair can be found at http://nj4h.rutgers.edu/virtual-fair/. From the Exhibitor’s Guide to tutorials on how to submit your photos and videos and everything in between. There are no entry fees and so many divisions to enter, both new and familiar favorites. Entries will be accepted until July 31st, but don’t wait! Projects and the results will be available on the virtual fair website in mid-August.
Registration now open!
July 4-H from Home Webinars
- July 7: Outdoor Investigators – rescheduled from May
- July 9: Yoga@Home (grades 4–8)
- July 14: My Puppet and Me (grades K–3)
- July 16: Learn to Draw Silly Animal Faces (grades 4–8)
- July 23: Horses vs Humans – A skeletal lesson using a live painted horse (grades 4–8)
- July 28: Magic Fun (grades K–3)
- July 30: Magic 101 (grades 4–8)
Special Interactive Teen Webinar
Wednesday, July 29, 11am–12noon – Teen Acting Workshop – improve your acting skills through voice and characterization (grades 7–13). You provide the monologue or scene and we’ll coach you to make it performance-ready.
Special Interactive Teen Webinar registration
STEP Clubs Starting Soon
Registration is limited.
Explore 4‑H Fun
Youth in grades 2–5 are invited to join us for four consecutive sessions to learn more about anything and everything—science, art, magic, cooking, games, and more. Each program will be fun and interactive! 4‑H Fun is limited to 15 youth. We will share the information and materials needed prior to each session. Sessions will run on Tuesdays in July from 10:00am–11:00am.
Explore 4‑H Fun registration link
The Junior International Explorers Club
Hey kids! Would you like to meet kids from Russia while playing games and learning about their culture? Well then, this is the club for YOU! We’ll be sharing what US kids love to do while learning what Russian kids love as well. This club is open to 15 American youth and 15 Russian youth and will be completely in English. We’ll be making fun snacks (a list of ingredients needed will be provided after registration) and covering things as sports, local legends and stories, our countries’ iconic destinations, and sampling the music of the two countries! Register here if you are up for an adventure to explore another culture and make new friends from around the globe! This program is for youth in grades 5–8. Sessions will run on Mondays and Thursdays from 9am–10am Starting July 13 thru August 10.
The Junior International Explorers Club registration link
Have an idea for a Webinar or Virtual STEP Club and/or interested in hosting one.
The 4-H from Home Team is looking for 4-H volunteers/Club leaders, 4-H Teens, etc. who may be interested in teaching youth a specific topic. Contact the 4‑H From Home team at 4hFromHome@njaes.rutgers.edu to share your thoughts or volunteer.
Deadline Extented
Please Share What You Love About the Fair with the S. C. Milkmakers.
The Sussex County Milkmakers are organizing a video montage of 4-H members answering the questions “what they love most about the fair” and/or “What are you looking forward to doing next year at the fair”.
They would love to have other 4-H members from other clubs participate as well. Their hope is to gather video or audio clips, alongside a compilation of favorite photos from the fair in years passed to compile into one complete video.
If you are interested in participating complete the information below.
Submission Requirements:
Years in 4H:
Audio or video clip: <max length 1 minute>
Photo attachment: <5 photos max>
Submission will be due July 15, 2020, to Nora Swanson (S.C. Milkmakers Leader). Please Email entries and or questions to noralanie@yahoo.com
2020-2021 NJ 4-H Leadership for Life Program
New Jersey 4-H members in grades 9-11 are invited to participate in a multi-level leadership program called the Leadership for Life Program.
Adopted from Ireland’s youth development program Foróige, the Leadership for Life Program is based on theories and principles of youth work, leadership development
This year, NJ 4-H members will have the unique opportunity to participate in the Module 1 training virtually along with youth from Ireland. The program will be taught by Foróige staff and will be held July 27-31, 2020 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm. The program overview, Module 1 Virtual Training registration form and the NJ 4-H Event Permission Form is attached. The registration deadline is July 9, 2020
Program and registration information is available on the NJ 4-H website
If you or 4-H members have questions, please contact Sharon Kinsey (skinsey@njaes.rutgers.edu) or Jeannette Rea Keywood (609-827-0199) or reakeywood@njaes.rutgers.edu)
4-H T-shirt Fundraiser
Look Cool While Supporting 4-H Programs!
Middlesex County is holding a 4-H T-shirt fundraiser to help keep the bills paid for their 4-H Center. Normally the building would be supporting itself though rental use of it from outside parties, but as with everything those are on hold due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
You have the option of 2 designs in 2 different colors.
The “Stronger Together” t-shirts are $15 each. Your choices are Green/White tie-dyed or Multi-Tie-dyed, both with black lettering.
The “I NEED A NAP” t-shirts are $10 each. Your choices are Black or Burgundy, both with white writing.
The deadline to order directly is July 10. They hope to be able to begin to distribute them around August 1.
There are a variety of shipping options, but if you would like to take part in a bulk Sussex County order to reduce shipping costs, contact Tanya (patrie@njaes.rutgers.edu) with your order no later then July 7.
Explore Mars with 4H!
Gear up for Mars Base Camp! As part of the 2020 National 4H Challenge, we are thrilled to provide 4H learners with as many resources as possible to prepare them for the exiting possibilities of a mission to the Red Planet. Stay tuned for more announcements about the availability of 2020 Challenge kits, and more free resources to aid the astronauts of the future!
Subscribe to the 4-H Science Program Weekly Digest to stay up-to-date .
And check out their most recent blog post.

Sussex County
4-H Class of 2020
Senior Spotlight

Madeline Miller

Madeline Miller is currently a senior at High Point Regional High School. After high school, she plans on attending the New Jersey Institute of Technology, or NJIT. Madeline plans on majoring in cyberpsychology, and is looking to minor in communications.
She has been a member of the 4H Summer Blossoms Garden Club for eight years. Madeline’s favorite memory is making stepping stones every year, as well as being able to share a garden with her cousin Natalie Stefankiewicz, who is also a graduating senior this year. Her grandparents are active members of the Sussex County Bee Club, and therefore the fair is a special week for many members of her family. Not only has Madeline entered flowers and vegetables into the fair, but has also entered photography in the 4H building. Last year, her photograph received reserve best of show. 4H has given Madeline the opportunity to grow her leadership skills through holding positions such as treasurer and currently president.
These skills have transferred over in helping her become a two year captain on her varsity cross country team, which she has been running on for four years. Madeline also played lacrosse and is a class representative for student council. Being a member of the club has helped Madeline gain membership in other clubs, like National Honor Society, Science National Honor Society, and Business National Honor Society. Overall, Madeline will miss her fellow 4H members, her 4H leaders, and 4H activities as she goes onto college.
Zoe Lockburner

Congrats to Our
2020 Graduating
4-H Members!

Information and Programs For Our 4-H Parents and Leaders
Check out the Rutgers NJAES Online Calendar to see all of the classes and seminars that are available.
There are weekly gardening and health webinars available to the public.
And most are free, but registration is required for some
Rutgers NJAES Calendar: All Statewide Events