4-H Club Officers

A club is like a family.  Each person contributes to the well-being of the club.  The result is a sense of belonging that promotes positive development through shared responsibility and fun times.  The role of club officer is an important way that youth contribute to the effectiveness of their club.  Be sure everyone gets a chance to be a leader in one way or another.

The usual roles of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer should be rotated among members.  In addition, consider what other roles youth can lead.  It could be the role of reporter, photographer, scrapbook, community service, marketing, or social media facilitator.  The adult leaders should guide the youth in their role while allowing independent thinking. The ultimate goal is not only that youth develop leadership skills and a sense of belonging but also that all club members feel ownership of the club’s success. 

About the author

Dave is the 4-H Senior Program Coordinator for the Sussex County 4-H program.