May 4, 2021
Dear 4-H Members, Families and Volunteers,
For the past year, we have asked you to be patient as Rutgers Cooperative Extension’s in-person programs, meetings, and events were suspended due to COVID-19. We are pleased to share that we are beginning to restart in-person Extension programming. We know that some of you may still not feel ready or comfortable with in-person activities and that is okay. We also know that many of you are eager to resume in-person participation and we want to make that happen.
We are optimistic about restarting in-person RCE 4-H activities. It is important to note this process will be phased. All in-person RCE 4-H activities (including programs, meetings, and events) will be small, for now that means 25 or less total people. They will also need to take place outside. Face masks will be required for all people present. All participants will need to complete an RCE Health Screening Form prior to arrival. These requirements will be revisited as conditions change and new information emerges.
Visit the Restarting In-Person RCE Programs website (https://njaes.rutgers.edu/covid-19/rce-in-person.php) for more details. We will follow the guidance from Rutgers University and will send out changes to our guidelines when they occur.
During the past year many 4-H clubs have been meeting virtually, this is still very much an option. Please check in with your 4-H Leader about upcoming club plans. Some clubs will choose to continue virtual meetings, some will choose ways to gather under the new guidelines, and others may choose a combination of both in-person and virtual meetings. It will be up to individual families to decide if/how they wish to engage with those offerings. Participation in in-person 4-H activities is voluntary. County 4-H staff may also be able to suggest other engagement opportunities.
If you have any questions about in-person requirements, or other related issues please reach out to your local county 4-H staff. They want to help you!
Thank you for your continued involvement in the 4-H program, be that in-person, virtual or some combination of both. 4-H will continue to look a bit different as we restart in-person programs but together we will continue to Make the Best Better.
Rachel E. Lyons
Chair and State 4-H Program Leader