Our medical community could use your help during this crisis. You’ve no doubt heard there is a shortage of surgical masks. Medical professionals—those who need them most—find themselves in short supply.
A project has been started for volunteers to sew masks. The design is relatively simple and requires only a small amount of fabric and elastic.
Directions and a video demonstration on making the masks is available here.
Printable patterns and instruction can be downloaded from this site.
The woman who demonstrates construction says it takes 15-20 minutes per mask (closer to 20 when you start). The hospital facility will wash the masks (you don’t need to).
NOTE: The micron filters and skin adhesives will be added by the healthcare facility.
When masks are complete, donate them at one of these locations, which includes Newton Medical Center.
If you have a JOANN fabric and craft store in your area, they are assembling kits with all the supplies to make 10 masks. You can pick up the kits curbside, sew them, drop it back off to the store and they will get them to local hospitals.
It is our understanding supplies are available on a first-come basis and may be limited in some stores. Contact your local store for availability.