We have a NEW Facebook Page! Follow us @SussexNJ4H
And/Or check out our Instagram @sussexnj4h

Best of luck to all our 4-H members as they return back to school based learning in what ever form they are participating in!
4-H Re-Enrollment on Hold
Until September 9
4-H Online has been updated and we are working on rolling over everyone’s information into the new system. There will be additional security requirements that may require some to supply a new password to meet these requirements.
We will send an email to those currently enrolled in the system when re-enrollment is officially open, that will include step by step instructions for your convenience. The process will be similar, but the look of the program will be different.
State 4-H Public Presentation Update

Great Job to all those that participated in the State 4-H Public Presentations. Those that participated should have received their scores and judges scores sheets by email at least by the start of this week. Ribbons will be mailed at a later date.
If you have not, please contact Tanya (Patrie@njaes.rutgers.edu)
Virtual 4-H Fair Results – Coming Soon

Shout out to the 20 Sussex County 4-H members who participated that entered a total of 89 entries.
Those that participated are:
Danielle Alves
Hannah Bailey
Deirdre Bassi-Mulvanerton
Bria Beshada
Sarah Edwards-Ronning
Daniel Gigante
Joseph Gigante
Amelia Giordano
Tyler Giordano
Jolan Honigsberg
Madeline Miller
Chloe Schadegg
Natalie Stefankiewicz
Sophie Stefankiewicz
Will Teitsma
Eric Van De Moere
Brooke Wagner
Jayden Wagner
Abbigail Wolverton
Haleigh Wolverton
There were entries in horticulture, livestock, crafts and photography. Over 400 members participated statewide with more than 1600 entries.
Results will be post on the NJ 4-H Virtual Fair Web Page then all entries have been recorded..

4-H From Home will be taking a break for from weekly classes the month of September while everyone adjusts to the new school year.
Have an idea for a Webinar or Virtual STEP Club and/or interested in hosting one?
The 4-H from Home Team is looking for 4-H volunteers/Club leaders, 4-H Teens, etc. who may be interested in teaching youth a specific topic. Contact the 4‑H From Home team at 4hFromHome@njaes.rutgers.edu to share your thoughts or to volunteer.
Fun Family Day sponsored by the Fair!
Unfortunately, 4-H clubs cannot participate as clubs, due to 4-H in-person activity restrictions, but families may choose to attend on their own.

4-H Dog Photo Contest
Deadline: September 18
All NJ 4-H members (not just dog project members) are invited to participate in the NJ 4-H Dog Photo Contest. Youth may submit up to 2 photos per class (My Dog and Me, Classic Art, Costume, Breed Traits, and Trick Dog). This is your chance to get creative and share your dog with the wider 4-H community. Results and top photos will be highlighted on the NJ 4-H website. The top 3 photos for grades 4-13 will be entered in the Northeast Regional 4-H Dog Program’s Photo Contest
For More Information Go to: https://morris.njaes.rutgers.edu/4h/docs/Dog_Photo_Contest.pdf
Information and Programs For Our 4-H Parents and Leaders

Check out the Rutgers NJAES Online Calendar to see all of the classes and seminars that are available.
NEW Classes are added daily
Rutgers NJAES Calendar: All Statewide Events
Classes scheduled for next week are:
September 2, 5:00pm: Home Gardeners School @Home: Home Sweet Home Landscaping
Return of the Rutgers Cooperative Extension “Earth Day, Every Day” Series this Fall
Details: Join Rutgers Cooperative Extension every Monday evening at 6:30 pm for this free series starting September 14th. These live, interactive sessions are 1 hour. To join you need either a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speakers. Sessions are provided via Webex.
To Register and more information at: https://envirostewards.rutgers.edu/Earth-Day.html
The lineup is as follows:
9/14/20- Winterizing Your Home for Maximum Energy Efficiency
9/21/20- Collecting Native Seeds: Sow Much to Know!
9/28/20- Fall Lawn Care the Earthwise Way
10/5/20- RU Wildlife Wise: Defensive Driving to Avoid Wildlife
Tuesday, 10/13/20- What’s An Energy Audit And Do you Need One?10/19/20- Ten Ways to Adapt to Coastal Flooding
10/26/20- RU Wildlife Wise: Demystifying Iconic Halloween Animals
11/2/20- Basics of Recycling