Orders must be returned by Monday, November 16th.
They can be emailed to Dave or Tanya.

The Sussex County 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce that this year’s Holiday Wreath Sale will take place! However, there will be some changes due to the Covid pandemic, so please read the following carefully.
A packet with all the ordering information can be downloaded from the website.
1) Orders must be returned by Monday, November 16th. They can be emailed to Dave or Tanya.
2) All orders will be FINAL. NO additional wreaths may be added once your order is placed.
3) Club Wreath pick-up will be Saturday, November 21st at the Sussex County Fairgrounds from 9:30 am to 11 am.
4) Pickups will be scheduled to allow for distancing (an online sign-up sheet will be shared).
5) Assign one individual to pick up the club’s order. Have your full payment ready to be turned in by check. One check for the full amount for each club is preferred.
6) Clubs will receive their bonus check from the Foundation at the time of wreath pickup. Your club will receive $1.00 for each 12-inch wreath sold and $5.00 for each 3-foot wreath sold.
7) Due to Covid safety restrictions, NO club/group decoration may take place. Please distribute the wreaths and decorations to your members and have them do the decorating on their own.
Supplies (cones, wires, and ribbons) will be provided for all decorated wreaths ordered. These will have to be divided among the members/families decorating wreaths for their customers.
8) The cost of the wreaths will remain unchanged.
12-inch plain= $14.00 | 12-inch decorated=$16.00 |
3-foot plain= $55.00 | 3-foot decorated= $ 60.00 |
Thank you for your understanding and support during these trying times. Hopefully, a beautiful 4-H wreath hung on the front door will return some normalcy and allow for an optimistic holiday season and a great New Year!

New STEP available open to all, 4-H members and Non-4-H Members.
Money Matters Financial Planning

Join the Money Matters 4-H From Home STEP Club! Youth in grades 8-12 will learn about money management and financial skills including saving, creating a budget, and more. Sessions are every Wednesday, 4:00-5:00 pm for six weeks starting from November 18 through December 9. Register at: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/…/SV_doGLhaxkaM6Ocmx
NJ 4-H Food Security Seminar Series

Register here for one or all sessions.
November 16: Climate Change and Food Security
November 23: Human Rights/Social Justice/ Global Food Security
November 30: Spoilage, Waste, and Food Security
December 7: Policy, governance, and Food Security
December 14: Infectious Diseases and Food Security
NJ 4-H Food Security Seminar Series

New Jersey 4-H is recruiting a team to participate in the World Food Prize Research Project. Youth members will work with a team to develop individual research projects addressing global food security issues. Participants will meet once a week with mentors and peers to prepare their research projects. Projects will be presented at the Rutgers University Youth Institute Summit on March 5. During this day-long program, students get to learn about critical global issues, network with local leaders, engage in hands-on activities, and explore exciting ways to become effective change agents in their own communities, conscientious global citizens, and tomorrow’s scientific humanitarian leaders.
Sessions will run on Mondays, 7:00–8:00 pm starting January 4–February 1.
NJ 4-H Global Food Security Collation registration link
State 4-H Bridge Club

Youth in 4th grade & above are invited to join the Virtual 4-H Bridge Club. Club members will participate in group activities; learn about time management and organizational skills; explore nutrition, health and wellness; have the opportunity to meet kids from other counties; and more. Meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each month, 7:00-8:00 PM.
Register today at: https://rutgers.ca1.qualtrics.com/…/SV_4VNLUBdiCHKVb2l
Enrollment is open even after club begins.
Have you taken the challenge??? Have some spare time on your hands and want to have some family fun??

Have you taken the challenge??? Continue to celebrate National 4-H Week and have some fun with the 4-H Trivia Virtual escape room.
Junior and Senior High School
4-H Members

The New Jersey Farm Bureau offers free membership to Junior and Senior High School 4-H and FFA members. NJFB supports the NJ 4-H Program and sponsors a portion of the delegates attending the National 4-H Conference annually.
Youth can join online at www.njfb.org or complete the form on attached is the NJFB Membership Flyer.
Information and Programs For Our 4-H Parents and Leaders

Check out the Rutgers NJAES Online Calendar to see all of the classes and seminars that are available.
NEW Classes are added daily
Rutgers NJAES Calendar: All Statewide Events
Classes scheduled for next week are:
Monday, November 16, 2020, 6:00 pm Pet First Aid & CPR Certification cost $75
Monday, November 16, 2020, 7:00 pm Selecting Hay for Horses and Other Livestock-Webinar Series
Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 12:00 pm Shrimp Creole with Grits
Tuesday, November 17, 2020, 1:00 pm Home Gardeners School @Home: Shake Up Your Bake with Sugar and Spice
Thursday, November 19, 2020, 6:30pm RU Ready 2 Garden Fall Webcasts – Caring for Indoor House Plants
Friday, November 20, 2020, 11:00 am Turkey Food Art
Monday, November 23, 2020, 5:00 pm Home Gardeners School @Home: Holly Jolly Container Gardening
Tuesday, November 24, 2020, 12:00 pm Shakshuka
Follow us on Facebook or Instagram
at @SussexNJ4H