The RCE Office will be closed on Wednesday, November 11 in honor of Veterans Day

4-H Online Re-enrollment
is Now Open

4-HOnline has a new look and includes new features that will improve your 4-H experience.
Please follow these directions to re-enroll for the new 4-H program year.
To begin, go to
You should be able to login with your current information (username: email and password.) If you’ve forgotten your password, click the Reset Password link to have a temporary password sent to your email address
For instructions go to:
Junior and Senior High School
4-H Members

The New Jersey Farm Bureau offers free membership to Junior and Senior High School 4-H and FFA members. NJFB supports the NJ 4-H Program and sponsors a portion of the delegates attending the National 4-H Conference annually.
Youth can join online at or complete the form on attached is the NJFB Membership Flyer.
Have you taken the challenge??? Have some spare time on your hands and want to have some family fun??
See if you can help Clover and take a whirl at NJ 4-H Trivia Virtual Escape Room.
Information and Programs For Our 4-H Parents and Leaders

Check out the Rutgers NJAES Online Calendar to see all of the classes and seminars that are available.
NEW Classes are added daily
Rutgers NJAES Calendar: All Statewide Events
Classes scheduled for next week are:
Tuesday, November 10, 2020, 12:00 pm
Fall Climate Academy: Protecting Historic Residences from Flooding: Building Elevations
Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 5:00 pm
Home Gardeners School @Home: Dirty Little Secrets: Top 10 Tips to Great Garden Soil
Thursday, November 12, 2020, 6:30 pm
RU Ready 2 Garden Fall Webcasts – Lessons from a Virtual Tour of the EARTH Center Gardens