Workshops and STEP Clubs are open to all, 4-H members and non-4-H members.
An Evening Abroad: Ireland!
June 22nd at 7 PM
The New Jersey 4-H “family” includes people from all over the globe. An Evening Abroad highlights members of our extended family to show off just how diverse the NJ 4-H program truly is! In this June 22 session, we’ll explore the Emerald Island known as Ireland from Warren County 4-H volunteer, Sinead Twohig. Register to receive a link for this hour-long, fun, and in-depth virtual exploration of Ireland. An Evening Abroad is fun for all 4-H members and their families and begins at 7 p.m.
NJ 4-H Virtual STEP Clubs
New Virtual STEP Clubs coming soon.
April’s PhotoCorps – Pops of Color

There are many filters and effects we can add to photos after they’re taken. Composing to add a pop of color when you’re taking the photo, can draw the viewer’s eye and add interest. Experiment with how color can affect your photos.
You can download directions for joining PhotoCorps.
The deadline for submission on this theme is 4/30. Members should receive comments from the juror mentors by the end of May.
Please post this information on your social media or share with your county’s members through your newsletter or other means.
If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Williams.

Calling all 4-H volunteers, teen leaders, and parents!

This 4-H virtual program is for anyone who wants to learn how to better handle conflict in any 4-H setting! It’s recommended to participate in all 3 interactive sessions but they will also be recorded. To register click here.
Feel free to contact Laura Eppinger with any questions or concerns.
Club Fundraising Opportunity

Contact the 4-H Office for more details if you are interested in participating as a club.

This outdoor festival event offers fun activities for the whole family, taking place across every campus of Rutgers New Brunswick on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
Plan your Rutgers Day activities here:
Ocean County 4-H Animalology
Saturday, May 14.
Open to all NJ 4-H Members

Registration and more information can be found at:
Expressive Arts 4-H is introducing Poetry X Hunger as part of National Poetry Month in April.
Do you want to help eliminate hunger and poverty through the power of your pen? Join in the Poetry X Hunger project promoted by Expressive Arts 4-H of Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Write poems that inspire your readers to prevent and eradicate hunger and poverty.
Your poems will be posted on the Expressive Arts 4-H website, with the potential for inclusion in the national Poetry X Hunger website. You can read your poems at 4-H, school, and community events. Through your poetry, you will encourage your audience to become advocates against hunger and poverty. Your poetry can spark social justice legislation and community service volunteerism such as food pantry work and food collection.
Poetry X Hunger was created in 2017 by Dr. Hiram Larew, former Director of International Programs at the USDA National Institute for Food and Agriculture and award-winning poet. Aware of the power of poetry, Larew has rallied the public to write poems that motivate the world to end hunger.
If you would like to learn more about the many forms of poetry you can choose from. or have questions about submitting your poetry to Poetry X Hunger, contact Ellen Williams, Expressive Arts 4-H Agent at williams@njaes.rutgers.edu.
For more information about Poetry X Hunger visit their website.
Delaware Valley University Spring Livestock Judging Contest
Delaware Valley University is hosting a spring livestock judging contest. It is an excellent way for our 4-H members to gain knowledge of some animals they are interested in. It truly is a perfect hands on experience.
Delaware Valley University will be conducting a livestock judging contest for 4-H and FFA groups on Saturday April 30, 2022. $10.00 registration fee.
For more information contact: heather.oeltjenbruns@delval.edu
Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine
Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine (AVM) is a fun and engaging career exploration program that will give you a deeper understanding of the veterinary profession and the demands of veterinary school.
Explore the wide variety of careers available within veterinary medicine and discover first-hand what attending veterinary school is really like. https://vetsites.tufts.edu/avm/
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Rutgers NJAES Calendar All Statewide Events
Upcoming Classes:
Friday, April 22, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: ‘From the Earth’ Burger
Friday, April 22-28, 2022 – CORE Training Program for the NJ Pesticide Applicators License (online)
Monday, April 25, 2022, 6:30 pm – Earth Day Every Day – The Costs of Climate Change
Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Picky Eaters and Power Struggles: Learn to Feed Your Family Stress-Free
Friday, April 28, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: English Muffin Spring Pizza
Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 3:00 pm – Live Well & Stay Healthy Webinar: Sitting- the New Smoking
Wednesday, May 4, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Living with Food Allergies
Tuesday, May 10, 2022, 12:00 pm – Homesteading Academy: Preventative Practices to Support the Health of Small-Scale Poultry
Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: To eat, or not to eat?

We will be celebrating Earth Day on Monday, April 25th, online at 6:30 PM with a special live webinar on climate change with Dr. Robert Kopp from the Rutgers Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences. Dr. Kopp will be discussing “The Costs of Climate Change.”
Bob Kopp is a lead author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s 2021 Sixth Assessment Report. According to the report, scientists are observing changes in the Earth’s climate in every region across the whole climate system and many of these changes are unprecedented in thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of years. Climate change is causing more intense heat waves, more intense rainfall, and higher coastal flooding, causing economic harms around the world, including in New Jersey. Prof. Kopp will discuss what we know about climate change’s economic costs and how we can manage the risks climate change is creating. Be sure to bring your climate change questions for the Q&A session!
In addition to this live webinar, we encourage you to watch recordings of some of our past offerings, with special attention given to these highlights through our Earth Day on Demand archive. These “recycled” videos are provided via Playposit and will pause during play for a question to pop up. Click on the link to sign up and access the video.
Register for the live or on demand sessions at https://envirostewards.rutgers.edu/Earth-Day.html
RU Ready 2 Garden Webinar
Return for Spring of 2022

This April, Rutgers Cooperative Extension of Middlesex County wants to help you grow quality food for your family and friends with the return of their weekly FREE webcast RU Ready 2 Garden. Rutgers Master Gardeners and Extension experts will offer advice for gardeners of all levels with a different topic each week.
The one-hour webinars will take place each Tuesday in April at 6:30 pm.
For a full season schedule and registration details visit www. tinyurl.com/ruready22
The topics to be featured are:
- An Integrated Approach to Deer Control
- Just What is Companion Planting?
- Native Plants for the New Jersey Landscape
- The Time is NOW to Start Your Vegetable Garden
Previous episodes of the webcast can be viewed at tinyurl.com/rcevids
The RU Ready 2 Garden Webcast was developed in response to the recent health crisis, with the goal of providing research-based methods to ensure success in their home and community gardens.
For a personal invite, E-mail your name to mastergardeners@co.middlesex.nj.us with “RU Ready” as the subject.

Join us at 10am on the third Wednesday of the month to brush up on your horticultural knowledge.
To register follow the link or scan the QR code above:
For more information please call 908-475-6507 or email lwaclawski@co.warren.nj.us
As Luck Would HIVE it …..
Customers are BUZZING about these Beekeeping Classes
🐝 Bee-ginner’s Beekeeping: The Basics of Apiculture
Participants can complete the course content (which will take approximately 16-17 hours) at their own pace anytime during the period the course is open. There is an optional live Q & A session with the instructors during which you can ask questions about the course content.
🐝 Sustainable Beekeeping
June 8, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – LIVE IN ZOOM
In the US, beekeepers lose 30% – 40% of their hives each year. This webinar will discuss ways to maintain your beehives in a more sustainable way, minimizing losses through management, using local bee stocks (your own or a local beekeeper), and creating resource hives.
🐝 New! The Ins and Outs of Treating Your Colony
June 15, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – LIVE IN ZOOM
It is the goal of every beekeeper to maintain healthy, productive colonies. This can only be accomplished by reducing the frequency and prevalence of disease within beehives. It is important for beekeepers to be aware of, learn to identify, and effectively manage pests and diseases to maintain healthy colonies. This is particularly important because the health of one beekeeper’s colony can impact another beekeeper’s colony in the surrounding area. Review recommendations for detecting and treating colonies for parasites and pathogens in a sustainable way for the long-term health of your colonies.
🐝 New! Take Note of Your Hive: Recordkeeping for Beekeepers
June 22, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – LIVE IN ZOOM
While even experienced beekeepers can learn from hive notes, it is an even more important part of beekeeping for beginners. Good hive notes promote a better understanding of the dynamics of the hive. Beginning to keep proper beekeeping records (no mental notes!) is one means of assuredly improving your beekeeping success. This means fewer bee losses, more honey production, and better broods. We’ll discuss the why, what, and how of beekeeping records. Then you can decide what’s right for you.
Discounts are available! For more information, BEE sure to contact Pamela Mayer at pspring@rutgers.edu
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