The RCE/4-H Office will be closed Friday, December 22 and
Monday, December 25 for the Holiday. It will also be closed Monday, January 1 for New Year’s Day
The Weekly Newsletter will be taking a Holiday Break from December 22 – January 4.

2023/2024 Program Year 4-H Online Re-Enrollment Closes January 1.

Each year 4-H members and volunteers must renew their enrollment by January 1 to be considered in good 4-H standing. To do so, go to:
Directions to assist you in the process can be found at the following link:
If you have any questions, or experience difficulties with 4HOnline, please contact Dave or Tanya for assistance.

Space is limited, registration is now open! or call 908-475-6502 to register!
Calling all 9th to 12th graders that are passionate about solving complex problems! Join the NJ 4-H Global Food Security Coalition!
Will be meeting virtually on Wednesdays in January and with one in person meeting at Rutgers New Brunswick.
2024 Winter NJ 4-H Model Horse Show
Saturday January 20, 2024
Somerset County 4-H Center
Bridgewater NJ

The New Jersey 4-H Model Horse Project is an educational program, entailing the collecting, photographing, and showing of model horses. This sincere hobby inspires 4-H’ers to pursue perfection, authenticity, and artistry. The “world of the model horse show” involves vast equine knowledge and skill to reproduce the realism needed to portray the image of a live horse. The world of model horses is both interesting and informative. 4-H horse lovers of all ages will enjoy participating in this project. It is especially accommodating for 4-H’ers who do not have horses or for 4-H’ers who, because of health reasons, cannot physically work around live horses.
NJ 4-H Model Horse Shows are open to ALL 4-H members, not just those registered in the Horse Project.
For more information and registration info go to:
NJ State 4-H Model Horse Show: Horses : Rutgers New Jersey 4-H
The deadline for entries is January 12, 2024
2025 4-H Teen Winter Camp
February 7-9, 2025
Lindley G. Cook 4-H Camp 100 Struble Rd. Branchville, NJ 07826
Meet other 4-H Teens from Sussex, Somerset, Warren, and Morris at the 4-H Teen Winter Camp. Enjoy games, winter activities, crafts, and meals together; have fun and make lifelong friends

Winter camp is a fun weekend getaway for 4-H members in grades 8-13 grade. Members from multiple counties gather together for sledding, hiking, crafting, games, and making new friends at L. G. Cook 4-H Camp in Stokes State Forest. On Friday night teens play a variety of ice-breaker and games. Saturday is spent exploring the various camp activities. When not enjoying the outdoor activities, teen spend their time in heated buildings and sleep in heated cabins.
Cost is $60 and includes meals. (Teen Council members cost is $30).
If interested in attending please contact Tanya at for registration information. Space is limited, registration is first come first served. Deadline to register is January 10. Camperships may be available.
Mark your calendars!
for Sussex County 4-H County Level Public Presentations

The Sussex County 4-H County level presentations dates and locations have been confirmed for the first three Fridays in March 2025.
- Friday, March 7, 2025 – Frankford Twp. School (Animals Allowed)
- Friday, March 14, 2025 – Frankford Twp. School (Animals Allowed)
- Friday, March 21, 2025 – High Point Regional High School
Online registration for presentations will open in ZSuite in late December, and the deadline to be registered by will be February 1. All 4-H members are encouraged to participate in County level presentation, especially if you are interested in participating in the State 4-H level judging.
And just a reminder that all 4-H members planning to participate in the Market Animal Sale or apply to be a 4-H Species Representative are required to give a county level presentation.

2024 4-H Legislative Leadership Experience

Registration deadline is February 1 and space is limited.
For more info click here. Visit this site to register!
You’ve got skills…and National 4-H want to see them!

Applications accepted November 13th through January 1st. Apply now:
Calling All 5th Graders!

The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey annual Species on the Edge Art & Essay Contest empowers fifth grade students to advocate for an endangered or threatened species from New Jersey through a well-researched, creative essay and original art piece.
The winners, one from each county, are honored at an awards ceremony, have their artwork exhibited at various venues around the state and featured in a calendar, and are invited on an eco-tour at Sedge Island in Barnegat Bay.
All educator materials, including detailed STEAM-based lessons (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math), are included in the free contest kit. Kits can be found at Entries due by February 9, 2024. Download your kit today!

4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival
New Jersey 4-H, in cooperation with the New Jersey Junior Breeder Symposium, is sponsoring the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest and Film Festival to include ALL 4-H animal project areas.
Youth may work individually or as a team to create short educational videos (3:30 minutes or less) about alpacas, cats, cattle (beef/dairy), dogs, goats, herpetology, horses, llamas, poultry, rabbits, sheep, small animals, and/or swine to enter in the 4-H Animal Science Video Contest. Youth must upload their video and media release(s) by the end of March 3 (see website for details). The videos will then be shared at the film festival in the Round House of the Rutgers Cook Campus Farm during an afternoon session of the Junior Animal Science Symposium on Saturday, March 29.
Youth of the top scoring videos will receive awards, including gift cards. Videos will be scored on educational value, creativity, clarity, pacing, and technical quality (sound, lighting, etc.) – 20 points each, total of 100. A tip sheet and a description of the judging criteria are both available on the website, along with the top scoring videos from prior years. Youth are encouraged to have fun and be creative in designing their video entries!
Details are available on our website at
L.G. Cook 4-H Summer Camp Registration NOW Open.

It’s that time of year! Registration for 4-H Camp opens November 15th for both our classic overnight program, and our day camp, 4-H camp at Rutgers Gardens.
Register before December 31st during our Polar Bear registration period to get our lowest rate, and the first pick of classes for summer 2025.
More information can be found on our website at
Also check out our new overview video on or website at
Registration opens for both:
Still need more details Call 973-948-3550 to reach the Camp Office with any and all questions.
Stargazing anyone? 

Join the Rutgers community at the Robert A. Schommer Astronomical Observatory for their Public Open Nights this fall! Check their website at for more information!
Arbor Day 2024 Photo Contest

All levels of photographers are encouraged to submit your pictures, whether you take a picture on your phone, or a camera, all tree pictures are welcome! Age categories for entries are Grades K-8 (Elementary), Grades 9-12 (High School), and Adult (ages 18+).
Entries will be accepted from now until March 1, 2024
This year’s theme is “My Tree, My Place”. We want you to showcase a tree that is special to you or sparks your interest somewhere that you live, work, or spend a lot of time. Your photograph can reflect “My Tree, My School”, “My Tree, My Park”, “My Tree, My Office”, and so on!
The winning photographs will be featured on the Rutgers Urban Forestry website, by the NJ Shade Tree Federation, as well as NJ Department Of Environmental Protection Urban and Community Forestry Program.
For more information or to enter a photo go to:
Arbor Day 2024 Photo Contest – Urban Forestry Program
Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

Do you want to help eliminate hunger and poverty through the power of your pen? NJ Arts 4-H is introducing Poetry X Hunger. Join in the Poetry X Hunger project promoted by Expressive Arts 4-H of Rutgers Cooperative Extension. Write a poem that addresses hunger, poverty, and/or food insecurity and submit it to Poetry X Hunger. For more information click
. Submit your poem through this link here. Why not present your poem to your clubs and community groups? If you have any questions, contact Ellen Williams, Expressive Arts 4-H Agent at
For more information visit
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Registration for the program is open now!
Registration link:

Make a DIFFERENCE in your community…become a Rutgers Environmental Steward – Classes start in January!
Additional information is on their website-
Bee-ginner’s Beekeeping: The Basics of Apiculture
Online Class – Opens January 15, 2024 & Closes February 19, 2024

Participants can complete the course content (which will take approximately 14-16 hours) at their own pace anytime during the period the course is open. There is an optional live Q & A session with the instructors during which you can ask questions about the course content.
If you have any questions and/or concerns, bee sure to contact Pam Mayer

Attention 4-H alumni, parents, volunteers and stakeholders…

Mark Your Calendars! Here are the NJ 4-H State Association meeting dates for 2024. We are still looking for additional volunteers to help make the best better and join the association! Visit to be added to the mailing list or contact to learn more about the State Association!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post.