Sussex County 4-H Weekly Newsletter May 12-19, 2023

Wishing all our 4-H Moms a Happy Mother’s Day.

2024 4-H Animal Project Representative

Applications for the 2024 4-H Animal Project Representatives are now being accepted. Applicants must be members in grades 7-13, with priority given to those in 11- 13th grade.

Additional requirements to be eligible are:

  • Applicants must have completed three years in the animal project area they are applying for, and be a member in good standing in the club that relates to that project area.
  • Applicants must have given a county-level public presentation during the current project year.

The S. C. 4-H Animal Project Representative application packets must be completed and turned in to your 4-H club leader. Applications received by club leaders should be submitted to the 4-H office no later than June 1

In the event of a competition for the representative position (more than one application received for a specific species), the 4-H Office will schedule interviews judges will receive the contestants’ application packets before the interview portion.

By submitting this application, a contestant is also agreeing to attend the following mandatory events during the Fair:

 – Assist with specie shows and events. 
 – NJSF/SCF&HS Opening Ceremonies (and parade if applicable) on the First Day of Fair.
 – Queen of the Fair Contest on the first Saturday
 – Be available in your species barn from 5:00pm to 6:30pm on the Thursday of the Fair to assist Round Robin participants.
 – If not a participant, assist during the Round Robin event.
 – *MAS Livestock Reps Only– Assist with Market Animal Dinner and Sale (Tuesday evening)

Optional events you are encouraged to attend:
 – Daily Fair Tractor Parade (2pm daily during fair week)
 – Branchville Memorial Day Parade
 – Newton Holiday Parades

2023 NJSF®/SCFHS 4-H Club Booth Theme

The theme for the 4-H club booth displays for the
2023 NJ State Fair/Sussex County Farm & Horse Show is…

4-H: _  (insert your own descriptive word here)__ Grows Here!

This is a great opportunity to share with the public how 4-H clubs empower youth to pursue their passions to learn new skills.

Show us what 4-H means to you, both leaders and club members. What does your club do and how it can inspire others? What projects, activities, and/or events has your club participated in this project year? How has your club provided service to others? How have the project, activities, and/or events in your club inspired the youth in your club and/or the community? Show the public and us what it is that makes 4-H and your club special and why they would want to be part of it.

To promote conservation and keep 4-H green, the reuse or use of recycled materials in your design is encouraged. Creative interpretation of the theme and use of green materials will be among the criteria used by those judging the booths. Interactive displays are encouraged, but all parts and décor must remain in the booth. Please remember that booths should be a collaborative effort by the whole club.

To participate, a club booth form needs to be completed and returned it to the 4-H office by June 30 to register for the fair.

Sussex County 4-H Club News

Great Job to Kicken’ Chicken for Using their hands to larger service for their community and world.

The Club covered over 1 mile of road, and everyone did a fantastic job cleaning up the area.

NEW THIS SUMMER! 4-H Camp at Rutgers Gardens. For more information and registration visit our website at You can also find more information on our camp guide:  For any questions about our program please email us at or call our office (973-903-3253).

Are you 16 years old or older and looking to make some extra money??

The NJSF/SCF&HS is looking for ticket takers. No experience is necessary.
If interested contact Harold Worths at

Somerset County Furry Friends Small Animal Club is hosting a 4-H Small Animal Show on June 3rd at the Ted Blum 4-H Center in Bridgewater NJ.

For event and registration info please review:
New-Furry-Friends-Show.pdf (

Plan Ahead

Warren County 4-H is so excited to have a clinic in our area to help youth learn more about their projects. There will be a focus on not just market lambs but also breeding sheep, slick shearing, fitting, and both meat and wool breeds. We will also have speakers on nutrition, and animal care.

This is open to youth beyond 4-H!

Poetry x Hunger: Poetry Call from Middle and High School Youth

For more information visit

Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders

Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram and add us to your favorites so you do not miss a post. 

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