The RCE /4H Office will be closed Monday, May 30, 2022 in honor of Memorial Day.

2022 4-H Animal Project Representative
Applications are due at the 4-H Office, next Wednesday, June 1.
Applications for the 2022 4-H Animal project Representatives are now being accepted. Applicants must be members in grades 7-13, with priority given to those in 11- 13th grade.
Additional requirements to be eligible are:
- Applicants must have completed three years in the animal project area they are applying for, and be a member in good standing in the club that relates to that project area.
- Applicants must have given a county-level public presentation during the current project year.
The S. C. 4-H Animal Project Representative application packets must be completed and turned in to your 4-H club leader by May 15.
Applications received by club leaders should be submitted to the 4-H office no later than June 1.
In the event of a competition for the representative position (more than one application received for a specific species), the 4-H Office will schedule interviews judges will receive the contestants’ application packets before the interview portion.
By submitting this application, a contestant is also agreeing to attend the following mandatory events during the Fair:
– Assist with specie shows and events.
– NJSF/SCF&HS Opening Ceremonies (and parade if applicable) on the First Day of Fair.
– Queen of the Fair Contest on the first Saturday
– Be available in your species barn from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm on the Thursday of the Fair to assist Round Robin participants.
– If not a participant, assist during the Round Robin event.
– *MAS Livestock Reps Only– Assist with Market Animal Dinner and Sale (Tuesday evening)
Optional events you are encouraged to attend:
– Daily Fair Tractor Parade (2 pm daily during fair week)
– Branchville Memorial Day Parade
– Newton Holiday Parades
4-H members and Families, Alumni, Retired 4-H leaders, and NJSF enthusiasts – Ag Division Farm Fun is looking for help.

The newly appointed NJSF Ag Education director (aka Ag Farm Fun), Donna Mesinger (retired 4-H leader), is looking for help with supervising the fun activities of Farm Fun in Barn 6 this year. If you are interested please contact Donna M. at (862) 268-0805.
Workshops and STEP Clubs are open to all, 4-H members and non-4-H members.
NJ 4-H Virtual Workshops
Fires: The Science Behind our Changing Climate (click to register for the event)
May 28 at 10 a.m
Does it seem like dangerous and damaging wildfires are becoming more common every year? Unfortunately, they are! Join us to find out how climate change plays a role in the increasing fires around the globe. Brought to you by the 4‑H Teen Russian/American International Leadership Program. (TRAIL).
An Evening Abroad: Ireland!
June 22nd at 7 PM
The New Jersey 4-H “family” includes people from all over the globe. An Evening Abroad highlights members of our extended family to show off just how diverse the NJ 4-H program truly is! In this June 22 session, we’ll explore the Emerald Island known as Ireland from Warren County 4-H volunteer, Sinead Twohig. Register to receive a link for this hour-long, fun, and in-depth virtual exploration of Ireland. An Evening Abroad is fun for all 4-H members and their families and begins at 7 p.m.
NJ 4-H Virtual STEP Clubs
New Virtual STEP Clubs coming soon.
4-H Photo Corps – May Challenge
The NJ 4-H Photo Corps is open to youth in grades 4-13. You do not need to be enrolled in a 4-H Photography Project to join PhotoCorps. Mays’s PhotoCorps theme is:

As a photographer, what images do you see that show similarities and differences? These images could be of people, places, designs, and more! Through your photographs, inspire your viewers to appreciate the diversity in our everyday world! Entries for this theme are open from May 1 through May 31.
Registrations will now go through the member’s 4-H Online account. Youth members (grades 4-13) will, click Register under each month’s theme, answer a few questions about their photo, and then upload it. Directions are attached and available for download at,
If you have any questions, please contact
Florida 4-H Multi-State 4-H M.E.E.T. (Mingle Event for Excelling Together)
The M.E.E.T. Program is an opportunity for youth 4-H leaders from across the U.S. to connect with one another, to create new connections across America, and inspire others.
Open to youth ages 14-18. June 4, 2022, via Zoom.
Register here:
Club Fundraising Opportunity

Contact the 4-H Office for more details if you are interested in participating as a club.
Weeklong Makerspace Camps for Middle and HS

Middle & High School Summer Maker Camps Do your students love problem-solving, engineering, and innovation? Middle school and high school students are invited to Summer Maker Camp at Rutgers Makerspace! Students will choose from a variety of problems to solve, with the goal of designing and engineering an innovative product or system. Using the Engineering Design Process and Makerspace tools such 3D printers, laser cutters, and CNC machines, students will create Shark Tank-like pitch. Middle School Dates: August 8-12, 2022. 9am-4pm High School Dates: August 1-5, 2022. 9am-4pm. Location: Rutgers Makerspace in Piscataway |
$450 Early Bird rate (until May 15th, 2022) $500 (May 31st deadline) |
Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine
Tufts Adventures in Veterinary Medicine (AVM) is a fun and engaging career exploration program that will give you a deeper understanding of the veterinary profession and the demands of veterinary school.
Explore the wide variety of careers available within veterinary medicine and discover first-hand what attending veterinary school is really like.
Information and Programs for Our 4-H Leaders
June 8 – In-person PRIVATE Pesticide Applicator Exam
at the Sussex County Extension Office.
Rutgers Office of Continuing Professional Education has announced an in-person session of the Private Applicator Exam, exclusively for the farmers and growers, to be hosted on Wednesday, June 8th at 10:00 am at the Sussex County Office of Rutgers Cooperative Extension, 130 Morris Turnpike, Newton NJ 07860-4914
The exam session can accommodate up to 18 people, so if the demand is there, 2 sessions will be held that day (10 am & 12 pm). Only Private Applicator Exams will be offered for this in-person testing event.
All examinees must be preregistered by the end of the day Monday, June 6 (details below), no walk-ins are allowed and no refunds will be given. If you register for June 8 and do not come to take the exam you will have to re-register and pay again. The examinees must be registered ahead of time in PACER, They should register themselves for an online exam, pay the $50 fee online, and then contact Jill Sullivan by phone at 848-932-7443 or by email at by the end of the day on Monday, June 6 to say they want to take the exam in-person. She will send a confirmation email with the time of the exam and location details.
For those who need help registering in PACER, please fill out the registration form and fax it to Jill at 732-932-1187. Please submit registration forms no later than Friday, June 3. Please contact Jill to provide her with payment information at 848-932-7443. REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. Payments will not be the day of the exam.
Free Training on Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI)
Concerned about Avian Influenza and your flock? Penn State 4-H is offering this free webinar on the topic to build your knowledge and keep your animals safe:

Rutgers NJAES Calendar All Statewide Events
Upcoming Classes:
Friday, May 27, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Strawberry Salsa
Monday, May 30, 2022 – ALL State and County offices closed
Wednesday, June 1, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Lead Poisoning Prevention and Nutrition
Friday, June 3, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: BLT Salad
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, 3:00 pm – Live Well & Stay Healthy Webinar: Ten Inflation-Fighting Hacks for Older Adults
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Brain Health: Connecting Your Mind and Body with Meditation
Friday, June 10, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Warm Spinach Artichoke Dip
Tuesday, June 14, 2022, 12:00 pm – Homesteading Academy: Preventative Practices to Support the Health of Small-Scale Poultry
Wednesday, June 15, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: BeneFITS of Walking
Friday, June 17, 2022 – Juneteenth – State Offices Closed
Friday, June 17, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: Father’s Day Mocktails
Wednesday, June 22, 2022, 2:00 pm – Wellness Wednesday: Foods that Fight Pain: Separating Myth from Fact
Friday, June 24, 2022, 11:00 am – Real Recipes: No-Bake Banana Peanut Butter Oatmeal Cookies

Join us at 10am on the third Wednesday of the month to brush up on your horticultural knowledge.
To register follow the link or scan the QR code above:
For more information please call 908-475-6507 or email
As Luck Would HIVE it …..
Customers are BUZZING about these Beekeeping Classes
🐝 Sustainable Beekeeping
June 8, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – LIVE IN ZOOM
In the US, beekeepers lose 30% – 40% of their hives each year. This webinar will discuss ways to maintain your beehives in a more sustainable way, minimizing losses through management, using local bee stocks (your own or a local beekeeper), and creating resource hives.
🐝 New! The Ins and Outs of Treating Your Colony
June 15, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – LIVE IN ZOOM
It is the goal of every beekeeper to maintain healthy, productive colonies. This can only be accomplished by reducing the frequency and prevalence of disease within beehives. It is important for beekeepers to be aware of, learn to identify, and effectively manage pests and diseases to maintain healthy colonies. This is particularly important because the health of one beekeeper’s colony can impact another beekeeper’s colony in the surrounding area. Review recommendations for detecting and treating colonies for parasites and pathogens in a sustainable way for the long-term health of your colonies.
🐝 New! Take Note of Your Hive: Record-keeping for Beekeepers
June 22, 2022 – 6:30 pm – 8 pm – LIVE IN ZOOM
While even experienced beekeepers can learn from hive notes, it is an even more important part of beekeeping for beginners. Good hive notes promote a better understanding of the dynamics of the hive. Beginning to keep proper beekeeping records (no mental notes!) is one means of assuredly improving your beekeeping success. This means fewer bee losses, more honey production, and better broods. We’ll discuss the why, what, and how of beekeeping records. Then you can decide what’s right for you.
Discounts are available! For more information, BEE sure to contact Pamela Mayer at
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