4-H Record Book Reminders Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H Project year and at this point some sections should be complete. At this point you should have completed your: Cover Goal Setting Inventory (if applicable) Sections that may still be a work in progress but close...Continue Reading
The Sussex County RCE/4-H office will be closed Monday May 27 in honor of Memorial Day. We hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend. 4-H Record Book Reminders Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H Project year and at this point some sections should be complete....Continue Reading
4-H Record Book Reminders Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H Project year and at this point some sections should be complete. At this point you should have completed your: Cover Goal Setting Inventory (if applicable) Sections that may still be a work in progress but close...Continue Reading
4‑H Paper Clover has been extended! Head to your nearest Tractor Supply store by Sunday, May 12th, and get your Paper Clover at checkout to show your support. Support Sussex County 4-H Youth by donating to the 4-H TSC Spring Paper Clover Campaign April 24 to May 12, 2024. Donate at our local TSP stores...Continue Reading
Support Sussex County 4-H Youth by donating to the 4-H TSC Spring Paper Clover Campaign April 24 to May 5, 2024. Donate at the TSC local store in Augusta or Wantage, NJ or donate online https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/cms/4h. 4-H Record Book Reminders Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H...Continue Reading
Support Sussex County 4-H Youth by donating to the 4-H TSC Spring Paper Clover Campaign April 24 to May 5, 2024. Donate at the TSC local store in Augusta or Wantage, NJ or donate online https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/cms/4h. 4-H Record Book Reminders Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H...Continue Reading
4-H Record Book Reminders Just reminder that you should be working on your 4-H record book though-out the 4-H Project year. Some areas you should have completed or be a work in progress are: Cover Goal Setting Logging monthly activities Finances Your Goals should be: Specific – a specific goal is well defined, with a...Continue Reading
Ag. Division of the NJ State Fair/Sussex County Farm & Horse Show Agricultural Scholarships Agricultural Scholarships are presented each year to a Sussex County graduating high school senior or college student currently enrolled in an agricultural program, pursuing a two or four year degree, or graduate studies in one of the many fields of Agriculture.The...Continue Reading
Find out where the NJ 4-H Global Explorers are traveling to in July 2025! Join the special reveal on Zoom on Tues., April 9 at 7:00 pm. Scan the QR Code or click the link below to register. A full information meeting is scheduled for Thurs., April 18 at 7:00 pm. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeA3fdbsUetl4f8nXmj6vuBTlvQj7hP548nUJN9L7A_60iR8g/viewform?pli=1This trip is open...Continue Reading
The RCE/4H office will be closed Friday, March 29 in honor of Good Friday. The office will reopen Monday, April 1. REMINDER 4-H HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS!The Sussex County 4-H Foundation Scholarship Application Deadline is April 1. 2023-SC4HFndtn-Schlrshp-App-Form_fields_ue.pdf Applications must be dropped off before to the 4-H Office before close of business or post marked by...Continue Reading