
REMINDER 4-H HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS!The Sussex County 4-H Foundation Scholarship Application Deadline is April 1. 2023-SC4HFndtn-Schlrshp-App-Form_fields_ue.pdf Or see any STEM Club member or email SC4HSTEM@gmail.com Foods Skill-a-Thon Click HERE for Study Guide Quick Cook-Off Click HERE for rules  4-H Ag-Venture Day Takes on Spring Break!    Deadline to register is March 29 For more information...
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Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and Summary—the what of it, summarize what you...
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Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and Summary—the what of it, summarize what you...
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Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and Summary—the what of it, summarize what you...
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Icy Smiley face
Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and Summary—the what of it, summarize what you...
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Cow in the snow
The Sussex County RCE/4-H Office will be closed Monday February 19 in honor of Presidents’ Day. Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and...
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Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and Summary—the what of it, summarize what you...
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Getting Presentation Ready? Here are a few things to remember when preparing for County Presentations in March Be sure to include three main parts: Introduction—the why, who you are and what you will be talking about; Body—the show and tell portion, tell/show the audience what you know; and Summary—the what of it, summarize what you...
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Registration Closes in Less then 1 Week! Registration for the 2024 County-Level 4-H Public Presentations is now open! County-level presentations have been scheduled for the first four Friday nights in March. Presentation nights will be held at local schools with presenters being divided among multiple classrooms. Check-in begins at 6:45 pm and presentations will begin...
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Registration for the 2024 County-Level 4-H Public Presentations is now open! County-level presentations have been scheduled for the first four Friday nights in March. Presentation nights will be held at local schools with presenters being divided among multiple classrooms. Check-in begins at 6:45 pm and presentations will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. Presentations are being...
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