We have a FaceBook Page! Follow Us @SussexNJ4H
Sussex County 4-H Weekly Challenge
This week in a sentence, photo, or drawing share your hobby with us. Post your responses under Sussex County Facebook post of our weekly challenge or email them to patrie@njaes.rutgers.edu to be counted. And don’t forget to hashtag them #SussexCounty4HWklyChallange and @SussexNJ4H.
At the end of the week, one winner will be chosen and win a 2021 Teen Council Dairy Barn gift certificate. All entries must be submitted by 4:30 pm on Friday to count. Only one entry person per week.
NJ 4-H Virtual Fair Is Coming
Across the state, NJ 4-H members will be miss out from participating in-person 2020 Fairs due to the COVID 19 pandemic. NJ 4-H is following the lead of many other state 4-H programs and moving forward with a Virtual 4-H Fair for this year. Details are still being worked out and more information is to come, but we need your help.
As some of our normal fair shows and classes do not blend well into a virtual format or due to the social distancing restrictions some members still have from working with their project animals, we are looking for ideas and suggestions of other creative class suggestions that would project well in photographs and video entries and allow all 4-H members to participate.
Do you have an idea for fun and/or interesting show or class? Some that have already been suggested are pet tricks, dress up a vegetable, and cake decorating. IF you have a unique idea, please share it with us so we can share it with the NJ 4-H Virtual Fair committee. Please you the following link to do so:
NJ Virtual Fair Class Suggestion Form
June 4-H from Home Webinars
June 9: Let’s Go on a Cookie Dig (Archeology) (open to all grades)
June 11: Exploring Pollinators (open to grades 4–8)
June 16: Grow Your Own Veggies From Scraps (open to all grades)
June 18: Using Colors to Make Your Drawings Pop! (grades 4–8)
June 23: Interactive Storytelling
(grades K–3)
June 25: Globe Tasters—A Culinary Trip Around the World (grades 4–8)
June 30: Science Fun – Make It Shine
(grades K–3)
July 4-H From Home Webinars to be announced soon. Check the website for updated info. http://nj4h.rutgers.edu/
STEP Clubs Starting Soon
Registration is limited.
Perfect Pets
June 22 – July 27
Each session will focus on a different topic (to be determined by interest of youth when registering). Sessions will provide youth a chance to learn about the basics of animal care, management, training, and more to highlight options for their “perfect pet.” Youth will share common interests and interact in fun learning activities through online games focused on different pets. Youth will have the chance to practice public speaking skills in an informal environment by allowing them to do a short presentation on their pet or a pet they would like to have.
Sessions will run for six Mondays @ 3:00pm
Perfect Pets registration
Understanding Horse Behavior
July 1–August 5.
Young people in grades 5–8 are invited to join us via Zoom to improve their knowledge of horse behavior, while getting to do some fun activities and virtually meet with real horses and former horse trainers! Information and materials needed will be shared prior to the first session. Youth who register are expected to attend all club sessions and will receive a certificate of completion at the program end. A small package will be sent to each participant’s home with materials needed for the club.
Sessions will run on Wednesdays 6:30–7:30 pm
Understanding Horse Behavior registration
Zoo and Aquarium Career Detectives
July 6–22
Discover your future career! This detectives group will explore a variety of careers that you will find available in a zoo or aquarium. Youth members in grades 6 – 12 are invited to join us for a virtual Short-Term Exploratory Program (STEP). Participants will have the opportunity to connect with professionals as they learn about their careers and fields of study. Youth who register are expected to attend all club sessions and will receive a certificate of completion at the program end.
Sessions will run on Mondays and Wednesdays 7:00pm–8:15pm
Zoo and Aquarium Career Detectives registration
Have an idea for a webinar or virtual STEP Club and/or interested in hosting one.
The 4-H from Home Team is looking for 4-H volunteers/Club leaders, 4-H Teens, etc. who may be interested in teaching youth a specific topic. Contact the 4‑H From Home team at 4hFromHome@njaes.rutgers.edu to share your thoughts or volunteer.
Calling Current 7th-9th Graders
This is open to any current 7th-9th graders, 4-H member, or not. The fee covers the cost of program materials that will be mailed to participants in advance, a program t-shirt, and recognition. Guest speakers will include 4-H Professional Staff, a high school career coordinator, and Rutgers University admissions staff.
4-H members WILL receive a certificate for community service hours they take part in during the program.
For more information contact Laura Bovitz (lbovitz@njaes.rutgers.edu).
They awarded 1st place in the New Jersey 4H Animal Science Video Contest, as well as being voted the Audiences Favorite. They will receive gift cards to support their 4-H activities.
Congratulations again for a great job! If you haven’t watched their video yet, check it out below.
What do you Love about the Fair?
The Sussex County Milkmakers are organizing a video montage of 4-H members answering the questions “what they love most about the fair” and/or “What are you looking forward to doing next year at the fair”.
They would love to have other 4-H members from other clubs participate as well. Their hope is to gather video or audio clips, alongside a compilation of favorite photos from the fair in years passed to compile into one complete video.
If you are interested in participating complete the information below.
Submission Requirements:
Years in 4H:
-Audio or video clip: <max length 1 minute>
(Explaining “what you love about the fair” or “what you are looking forward to next year”)
– Photo attachment: <5 photos max>
Submission will be due July 1, 2020, to Nora Swanson (S.C. Milkmakers Leader). Please Email entries and or questions to noralanie@yahoo.com
Sussex County 4-H
Market Animal Scholarship
Due June 15
Sussex County 4-H Market animal sale participants are encouraged to apply for the Sussex County 4-H Market Animal Sale Scholarship.
Applications are due June 15, 2020, and should be emailed to Becky Goldsworthy at beckyg16@centurylink.net.
The application can be found at:
Registration ends soon for
NJ 4-H Fairy/Gnome/Troll
Miniature Contest
To Enter:
– Take two pictures from different angles
– Send your pictures to torretta@njaes.rutgers.edu. Include you age and catagory in the subject.
Deadline to enter is June 15.
Save the Dates for
Virtual 4-H Horse Camp
July 13 -16, 2020
Virtual 4-H Horse Camp is being planned with educational programs that will help to prepare your 4-H Horse Club member for a better Show experience in the future. It will include clinicians and educational speakers on a variety of topics. Some that are planned are Showmanship skills, Preparing a Horse for Halter Class, Basic Equitation tips, and some others such as a vet talking about parasites, an equine dentist talking about your horse’s mouth, a farrier talking about hoof care, etc.
There most likely will be a nominal fee to cover any presenter costs. More info to follow. This program will probably be Zoom based.
Sussex County
4-H Class of 2020
Senior Spotlight
Vanessa Kula
Vanessa Kula started out in first grade in both Wantage Sewing & Cooking and Dogs & Paws. She continued in Wantage Sewing and Cooking until she was in 4th grade. She made several projects such as a pillow, a nightgwn, and a teddy bear. Then she joined Wild Whiskers in 5th grade where she learned how to care for her lionhead rabbit, Boo. She later added a minilop, Nova to her projects. She continued in rabbit clubs until 9th grade, switching to Little Critters when the Wild Whiskers leaders retired. In 9th grade, Vanessa joined Teen Council where she volunteered in the Dairy Barn and participated in club activities.
Vanessa is graduating from Wallkill Valley HS, and will be going to Endicott college in Massachusetts, where she will major in nursing. She is very excited to be an Endicott Gull.
Kelly Barta
Kelly Barta had been involved with 4H for over 5 years as a member of various clubs including Bit by Bit, Sussex County Milkmakers and Heart to Hands. Kelly’s hard work has awarded her many Excellent ribbons for her presentations and crafts she’s entered in the State Fair for both county and state levels. She has secured first and second place overall awards in the NJ State Dairy Bowl competition. She also represented the 4H as the Dairy Agriculture Representative and spent numerous hours as 4H mascot Clover which she enjoyed very much. Kelly is a true 4-H’r and we have been able to see her growth as a young woman in part due to this program.
She plans to pursue a career as a nutritionist.
Congrats to Our
2020 Graduating
4-H Members!
Information and Programs For Our 4-H Parents and Leaders
Updated Kahoot! Virtual Games to keep your Club members learning
If you’ve never done Kahoot! before…you can download their app on your cell phone or iPad and enter the Game PIN # or you can also participate by going to www.kahoot.it and enter the Game PIN #:
Livestock Members Should Know These!! – Game PIN # 09689291
Livestock Quiz Bowl I – Game PIN # 05870374
Livestock Quiz Bowl – Strictly Goats – Game PIN # 06397178
Livestock Quiz Bowl – Strictly Sheep – Game PIN # 07544693
Livestock Quiz Bowl – Strictly Beef – Game PIN # 08742933
Goat Breeds – Game PIN # 01014503
Swine Breeds – Game PIN # 06660213
Swine Meat ID – Game PIN # 05699593
Cattle Breeds – Game PIN # 09228825
Sheep Breeds – Game PIN # 09333463
Lamb Meat ID – Game PIN # 08977921
Horse Breeds – Game PIN # 09122368
Horse Bowl I – Game PIN # 06127044
Rabbit & Cavy Breeds – Game PIN # 03698471
Poultry Breeds – Game PIN # 06870931
Dog Breeds – Game PIN # 02958763
Dog Agility – Game PIN # 04454474
These games were put together by a 4-H professional in Hawaii. They do time out after a certain number of days, but she has been trying her best to rest them when they do. IF you do use these please let us know so we can fill out the demographic data she is requesting.
Rutgers Earth Day at Home Webinar Series
June 8, 2020
Exploring Your Watershed from Home. We all live in a watershed and you can navigate yours from your computer. Learn about free online platforms and mapping websites that provide all kinds of information for you to explore local streams, habitat, water sources, soil types, and the environment right around your home. Sal Mangiafico, Associate Professor, Rutgers Cooperative Extension- Salem/ Cumberland Counties.
June 15, 2020
Backyard Composting 101. Starting home composting is one of the easiest ways to reduce waste while improving your soil. Learn how to turn your kitchen scraps and yard waste into black gold for your soil with these tips for success. Michele Bakacs, Associate Professor, Rutgers Cooperative Extension- Middlesex/ Union Counties.
To register or for more information visit
Wellness on Wednesday webinars with Family & Community Health Sciences will focus on a variety of topics related to food, nutrition, and healthy lifestyles. This series will walk you through the easy steps that you can take to add positive health behaviors into your day. From reducing the amount of food waste you produce in your home to understanding how to read the new nutrition facts label, now is the time to make some of those small changes that will improve your health in a large way.
All sessions are free, will last approximately 45 minutes, and be provided via Webex. To join, you will need either a computer, tablet, or smartphone with speakers. You must register to participate.
June 10 – Grilling with Care
Use of the backyard grill or barbecue to prepare meals on hot summer evenings and for holiday picnics is as American as apple pie. Learn simple yet important guidelines to follow before, during and after grilling to be sure that you and your family are grilling with care. Sherri Cirignano, MS, RDN, LDN, FCHS educator, Warren County
June 17 – Pivoting the Picky Eater
Feeding a family isn’t always easy and picky eating can oftentimes feel as if it is getting in the way of your efforts to promote a positive experience at the dinner table. Learn how to set the table for success and support your children so that they grow into positive eaters and develop a healthy relationship with food. Sarah Curran, MHS, RD, FCHS program associate, Warren County
Online Beekeeping Workshops
Sustainable Beekeeping
June 9, 2020
This one-hour webinar will discuss ways to maintain your beehives in a more sustainable way, minimizing losses through management, using local bee stocks, and creating resource hives.
Small Scale Queen Rearing
June 16, 2020
This workshop covers queen and drone biology, stock selection, introduction to several queen rearing techniques, tools, and equipment, starter and finisher hives, setting up mating yards, and record keeping.
Visit our webpage at: www.cpe.rutgers.edu/BEES to learn more!